
American Manufacturers Seeing Benefits from Republican Pro-Growth Agenda

‘According to new survey data from the National Association of Manufacturers, more than 93% of U.S. manufacturing firms have a positive outlook. Already, 77% of manufacturers are reporting hiring new workers, and 86% say they’re investing in plants and equipment. Many American communities revolve around these manufacturing facilities. Sadly, in the Obama years, they were among the most likely to be left behind by the so-called “recovery.” But now that is changing.'

WASHINGTON, D.C.  U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) delivered the following remarks today on the Senate floor regarding the benefits Americans are seeing across the country thanks to the Republican pro-growth, pro-opportunity agenda:

“With Republican policies shaking the regulatory rust off of the U.S. economy, American job creators, entrepreneurs, and working families have been thinking big again. For eight years, Democrats pushed a one-size-fits-all agenda that heaped outsized benefits on the largest cities and left the rest of the country struggling to catch up. Now, Main Street businesses across America feel the wind at their backs -- so they’re expanding their operations, buying more equipment, and hiring new workers.

“For too long, taxpayers grappled with an outdated federal tax code that seemed to keep more of their hard-earned income every year. Now, thanks to Republican tax reform, working families are seeing paychecks grow, special bonuses hit their bank accounts, and will send thousands of dollars less to the IRS next year. And now that Congress and the president have put a stop to the last administration’s rampant, top-down federal rulemaking, U.S. manufacturing is churning back to life.

“The new economic climate that’s taking hold across the country has producers feeling more confident about planting deeper roots in the United States -- new capital investment, new factories, and new American jobs.

“Novelis, Inc., a leading producer of rolled and recycled aluminum, broke ground just this week on a new factory in Guthrie, Kentucky. The company is choosing the Commonwealth to build the 400,000 square-foot facility and create at least 125 new jobs. And they’re not keeping any environment’ including ‘the significant positive impact of tax reform in the U.S. reinforces Novelis’ decision to expand at this time.’

“This is not just a Kentucky phenomenon. According to new survey data from the National Association of Manufacturers, more than 93% of U.S. manufacturing firms have a positive outlook. Already, 77% of manufacturers are reporting hiring new workers, and 86% say they’re investing in plants and equipment.

“Many American communities revolve around these manufacturing facilities. Sadly, in the Obama years, they were among the most likely to be left behind by the so-called ‘recovery.’ But now that is changing. Today, manufacturing wages are growing at their fastest pace in seventeen years. These are just a few signs of our nation’s economic comeback under Republicans’ pro-growth, pro-opportunity agenda.

“Remember, not one of our Democratic colleagues voted with us to set this train in motion. They voted against cutting red tape for American manufacturers. They voted against the tax reforms that are growing paychecks and helping create new jobs. They voted against the newly lowered utility rates that benefit both families and employers. My Democratic colleagues like to talk about supporting the middle class. These days, it’s looking more and more like that’s all it is: just talk. But while they occupy themselves with partisan politics, Republicans will just keep on clearing the tracks and letting the American economy roll on ahead.”

Related Issues: Small Business, Tax Reform, Taxes, Economy