Thune Joins The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show
“[President Trump] got a decisive mandate from the American people in November, and I think he’s going to be talking about not only what he’s already done, but what he’s going to do in the four years he has available to him, to really change the direction of this country in a way that gets it back on track.”
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WASHINGTON — U.S. Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-S.D.) today joined The Clay Travis & Buck Sexton Show.
On President Trump’s joint address:
“The Democrats are, I mean, they’re still in the stages of grief, and… they’re trying to find a message, they’re trying to get some traction with something, and so far, all it is, is: ‘Whatever he’s for, I’m going to be against.’ I think… the Democrats right now are afflicted with a really, really bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and so my assumption is that when they come tonight, they’re going to try and be disruptive.
“[A]t the end of the day, I think the American people, that’s not what they want to see. I don’t think they want to see a bunch of lefty ideologues who can’t even bring themselves to vote to keep boys out of girls’ sports, you know, creating a ruckus and [being] disruptive to the president of the United States, who I think will be there to talk about – after four years of… rising costs, lawlessness at the southern border, weakening of America on the world stage – be talking about turning the page and getting our country back on track.
“[T]he president has a great opportunity to present to the American people how things are going to be in his second term, and what his priorities are relative to the last four years under Biden. And you can just look already at what they’ve done at the southern border. I mean, the top issue in the last election, and this administration has been returning order in a short amount of time.
“Think about it: The month of February, there were fewer than 9,000 crossings at the southern border under Trump. That was a typical day under Biden. I mean, this is how dramatically things have changed already as a result of President Trump’s leadership, and we want to be good partners for him and do as much as we can to get his agenda across the finish line, which is why we worked really hard to get his Cabinet confirmed as quickly as possible.
“[President Trump] got a decisive mandate from the American people in November, and I think he’s going to be talking about not only what he’s already done, but what he’s going to do in the four years he has available to him, to really change the direction of this country in a way that gets it back on track.”
On the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act:
“[I]t’s mind-blowing to me that this has become a political issue where the Democrats are so tethered to their, I guess, transgender, ideological, political base, that they’re willing to throw common sense out the window. I mean, this is… almost incomprehensible that we’re even having this conversation. It’s, you know, having biological males as the opponents of young women is both fundamentally unfair and it’s potentially dangerous, honestly.
“Coach Tuberville, Tommy Tuberville, the senator from Alabama, led this on the floor. We had a vote on it last night, and you are correct: Every single Democrat… voted against it. And it’s an 80-20 issue, as you point out, with the American people… I think it’s commonsense issues like this that the American people expect their leaders to act on, and they just block voted against it.”
“[As] a father of two women who played sports, and you know, one of whom is in her high school and college hall of fame… I can’t imagine a world where you would have guys competing against women and taking away opportunities, not only to excel in their field, in their sport, but also for college scholarships… this has serious downstream consequences.”
On budget reconciliation:
“We want to enact all of President Trump’s priorities as quickly as possible. And that deals with the border, securing the border; it’s bolstering our national defense; it’s restoring American energy dominance; and preventing a $4 trillion tax increase at the end of the year on the American people.
“I would say Senate Republicans believe, and I think the president does too, and hopefully the House will get there – to make these tax cuts permanent so we don’t have to go back and deal with it again down the road.
“The Senate’s ready to enact as much of the president’s agenda as we can through budget reconciliation, and that entails all the things I just mentioned. And I hope that, as we work through this process, we will be as aggressive as we possibly can to use that opportunity at a 51-vote threshold in the Senate, as opposed to 60, to get as much of the president’s agenda done as possible.”
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