
Thune Joins Fox News, CNN

“The last four years under the Democrats, it was just kind of, in my view, chaotic.”

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WASHINGTON — U.S. Senate Majority Leader John Thune (R-S.D.) today joined America’s Newsroom on Fox News and Inside Politics on CNN.


On the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act:

“[W]e didn’t get a single Democrat [vote]. It got 51 votes on the floor of the Senate. It got every Republican who was there and voting. And I think what it tells you is the Democrats haven’t gotten the message from the last election. I mean… this is a no-brainer.

“I said this on the floor last night: I had a finance professor in graduate business school who used to say there are some things that are just intuitively obvious. It is intuitively obvious to the American people that biological boys shouldn’t be playing girls’ sports, and that’s why it’s an 80 percent issue… I don’t know why [Democrats] seem invested in defending this narrow issue, an issue that is clearly out of step with the American people – and frankly, from every perspective, just wrong.”


“Coach Tuberville’s bill was designed to codify [Title IX], to make it… permanent. And but either way, the Democrats are out of step with the American people. And just as importantly, I mean, this is just wrong… Title IX was designed to give women an opportunity to compete, get college scholarships, all those things; this completely steps on that in a way that undermines girls sports, and more importantly, their opportunities.”


On tariffs:

“[B]eing from South Dakota, and agriculture being our number one industry, obviously, I see the tariff issue through a slightly different lens, Dana. But I think what the president’s trying to achieve here, particularly with Canada and Mexico, is shutting down the fentanyl traffic. And if you look at the way fentanyl has impacted this country, we’ve lost almost twice as many people per year from fentanyl as we lost in the entire Vietnam War. I mean, this is a crisis, and the president is trying to address it.

“I think that tariffs are, in my view, a means to an end, not the end itself, and hopefully it’s something that can be temporary in nature. But there is clearly, you know, on his part at least, an attempt to use these in a targeted way to achieve and accomplish something that I think a lot of the Americans expect him to address.”


On the Senate’s improvements under Republican control:

“The last four years under the Democrats, it was just kind of, in my view, chaotic. And I’m somebody who sees the world in a way that the United States Senate, although its rules make it very different and unusual relative to any other body like it in the world, you still have to have, you know, you’ve got to be respectful of people’s time, maximize their ability to… give voice to and represent the people in their individual states, and we’re trying to empower individual senators in that way. And I hope that, in the end, it’s successful.”


On the U.S.-Ukraine minerals deal:

“I think that unfortunately, Zelensky, when he came in last week, had a very defiant mood and not conducive to getting a deal done. But everybody realizes there’s a deal out there. We know there’s a good deal out there. Eventually, I think it gets signed.

“I think what it demonstrates with the administration is that this is an administration that is going to govern, and that the policy is going to be peace through strength. I mean, we’re going to accomplish our objectives when it comes to foreign policy and national security.”


“We want [Ukraine] to succeed there. Russia is aligned with North Korea and China and Iran and all the unholy alliance that’s going on out there. And so it’s important from the national security interest of the United States that we have a successful outcome there, which ultimately is a peaceful solution.”

Related Issues: Title IX, Education, Restoring the Senate, Ukraine