
McConnell Welcomes Senate Passage of Anti-Slavery Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C.U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell made the following statement following Senate passage of bipartisan anti-slavery legislation:

“Today’s Senate passage of the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act is an important next step in helping the thousands of Americans, enslaved and hopeless, who suffer unspeakable abuse in the shadows. I thank Senator Cornyn in particular for his unrelenting pursuit of justice for these victims of modern slavery. He worked overtime to finally convince colleagues across the aisle to help us confront the traffickers who subjugate children into lives of sexual torment. I appreciate Senate Democrats’ decision to end a weeks-long filibuster of this anti-slavery bill, and to do so without violating the longstanding, bipartisan Hyde amendment that has been a staple of legislation for decades. The result is passage of yet another bipartisan bill from the Senate -- one that will provide critical help for those who need it most.”

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