McConnell: This Budget is the First Step to Tax Reform
‘After a decade of lost economic opportunity, hardworking American families know the status quo is unacceptable. It’s time to take more money out of Washington’s pockets, and put more of it in the pockets of Americans.This budget is the first step in this process.’
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following statement after Senate Budget Committee Chairman Mike Enzi (R-WY) unveiled the Fiscal Year 2018 Budget Resolution. This comprehensive budget resolution will provide a path to balance and provide Congress with the authority to enact much-needed tax reform for hardworking American families:
“I want to thank Chairman Enzi and the members of the Senate Budget Committee for their work. This budget is especially important because it will allow us to get to work on our pro-growth, pro-family, pro-jobs tax reform plan. Without it, Democrats will continue to play partisan politics and obstruct our efforts to get our economy flourishing and growing at its full potential.
“After a decade of lost economic opportunity, hardworking American families know the status quo is unacceptable. It’s time to take more money out of Washington’s pockets, and put more of it in the pockets of Americans. This budget is the first step in this process."
Related Issues: Tax Reform, Budget
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