
McConnell Statement on Humana

U.S. Senate Majority Leader notes that the sale “is the inevitable result of Obamacare’s push toward consolidation as doctors, hospitals, and insurers merge in response to an ever-growing government.”

Louisville, Ky – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell issued the following statement today regarding Aetna’s announced purchase of Louisville-based Humana. The sale is the type of consolidation McConnell predicted five years ago during the debate on Obamacare:

“For more than 30 years, Humana has been a cornerstone of economic growth and a great philanthropic partner in our community. This morning’s announcement, as I predicted during the debate five years ago, is the inevitable result of Obamacare’s push toward consolidation as doctors, hospitals, and insurers merge in response to an ever-growing government.

“I hope that Aetna will recognize the tremendous value and expertise residing in Humana’s Kentucky workforce and will look to continue its close partnership with our experienced and educated workforce, the City of Louisville and our Commonwealth.”


Related Issues: Health Care, Obamacare