
McConnell Selects Crapo to Lead Committee on Committees

Sen. Scott will help lead the committee selection process

WASHINGTON, DCSenate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has selected Sen. Mike Crapo (R-ID) to chair the Senate Republicans’ Committee on Committees, the panel responsible for committee assignments for the 115th Congress. This is the seventh consecutive congressional two-year term that Senate leadership has asked Crapo to chair negotiations among his Republican peers in the Senate. Senator Tim Scott (R-SC) will be assisting in the committee selection process in the 115th Congress as he did in the 114th Congress.

"Mike is a trusted advisor and has the respect of his colleagues,” McConnell said. “He has a proven track record and the entire Republican conference is honored to have him once again leading our negotiations on committee assignments.”

The Committee on Committees negotiates the process of assigning Republican senators to committees. After general elections, Senate party leaders negotiate the ratios on standing committees. Crapo will provide leadership in the negotiations surrounding subsequent committee assignments.

“I appreciate Sen. Scott’s willingness to help lead this effort as we prepare for the new Congress,” McConnell said.

“I appreciate the honor and continued trust represented by this appointment.  Partnering with Senate Republican Leader McConnell, I look forward to working to ensure my colleagues have the best possible opportunities to make a mark on the important agenda of the 115th Congress.  With majorities in both houses of Congress and with a Republican president-elect, we have an improved opportunity to deliver the results that have been demanded by voters,” said Crapo.