McConnell Releases Video Welcoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the U.S. Capitol
WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell today released a video message welcoming Benjamin Netanyahu to the U.S. Capitol where the Israeli Prime Minister will address a Joint Meeting of Congress.
Click on the image below to view his comments.

Following is a transcript of the Majority Leader’s message:
“Today, I’d like to take a moment to welcome Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to the Capitol.
“The Prime Minister’s visit comes at a critical moment in U.S.-Israeli relations. Iran’s campaign to expand its sphere of influence across the Middle East threatens the interests of both of our countries; and Prime Minister Netanyahu is singularly capable of explaining the threat Iran’s nuclear capability poses to Israel, America, and the world.
“Congress should receive our ally warmly and respectfully as we work with him to ensure our countries address this threat jointly.
“Israel stood with us before September 11, 2001, and Israel stands with us today as the threat of radical Islamic terrorism has spread. It is an honor to welcome this friend of the American people.”
Related Issues: Israel, Iran
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