
McConnell on the Brian Kilmeade Show

‘If it's essential for doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, truck drivers, grocery store workers and many other brave Americans to keep carefully manning their own duty stations, then my view and the view of my colleagues is, it's essential for Senators to carefully man hours and support those folks who are out there on the front lines.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) joined Brian Kilmeade today to discuss ongoing COVID-19 relief proposals and reopening the economy. See below for highlights or click here to listen to the full interview.

On Liability Protections for Frontline Workers:

“We're going to insist upon this reform, which is not related to money, as a condition for going forward.  We need to protect the American people and the brave folks who have been on the front line taking care of our patients during this awful pandemic.  

“So, getting the country back to normal is not just about spending more money, although I understand that every state and local government in America would like to have more.  I'm willing to talk about that, but we need to protect these brave people who have been on the front lines.”


On Reconvening the Senate Next Week:

“If it's essential for doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, truck drivers, grocery store workers and many other brave Americans to keep carefully manning their own duty stations, then my view and the view of my colleagues is, it's essential for Senators to carefully man ours and support those folks who are out there on the front lines. 

“We're going to focus on concrete steps to strengthen our responses to this complex crisis.  And as I said earlier, we're willing to discuss with the Democrats the way forward, but we're going to do it with all Senators here and not back in their home states. We’re all going to be here, and we believe we can man the Senate in a way that’s consistent with good practices, the proper spacing, masks where appropriate. We believe we can conduct the people’s business, and we intend to.”


On Senate Republican Accomplishments and Working with President Trump:

“I mean look, for example, at what we’ve done at the judiciary. Two Supreme Court Justices, 51 circuit judges. Just to put that in perspective, President Obama did 55 circuit judges in eight years, we did 51 in a little over three. We transformed the judiciary with young men and women who believe in the quaint notion that maybe the job of judge is to actually follow the law.

“So, comprehensive tax reform -- we had until the pandemic, a very hot economy, and that was directly because of the policy that the Trump administration and the Republican Congress, which enacted those policies.”


Related Issues: Economy, COVID-19, Health Care