
McConnell: Never Let Challenging Times Keep Us From Counting Our Blessings

LOUISVILLE, KYU.S. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) issued the following Thanksgiving message:

“Happy Thanksgiving.

“Americans across the political spectrum can agree that 2021 has kept our nation busy with real challenges. But it’s worth remembering that Abraham Lincoln’s proclamation that officially set aside a recurring Thanksgiving Day came in 1863, right in the middle of the Civil War. And eight decades later, when the Senate passed the bill that officially fixed Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November, it happened on December 9th, 1941, just two days after Pearl Harbor. If you can believe it, a short, lighthearted discussion of the difference between ‘the fourth Thursday’ and ‘the last Thursday’ happened the same day as sober speeches about the new war with Japan.

“Clearly, the greatest nation in world history never lets challenging times keep us from counting our blessings. We are so fortunate to live in the United States of America in 2021.

“This year, Elaine and I are especially giving thanks for the brave servicemembers who serve our country in uniform and the first responders, healthcare workers, and essential workers who’ve brought our country through the past two years.

“Finally, we are thinking today of my colleague Senator Schumer, and sending him and his entire family our condolences on the passing of his father Abe yesterday. By all accounts Abe was a remarkable, exemplary, and beloved member of our Greatest Generation. We will pray that his memory will be a blessing. 

“May God bless our great nation on this Thanksgiving Day.”
