McConnell Comments on President’s Final State of The Union Address
Talks importance of hosting his guest, a KY coal miner
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell commented following President Obama’s State of the Union Address and spoke to the importance of hosting a Kentucky coal miner as his guest tonight:
SOTU RESPONSE: “Well he did the best job he could to try to convince Americans that somehow things are getting better in the United States and around the world. With regard to his foreign policy, Jimmy Carter summed it up pretty well earlier this summer when he said that he couldn’t think of a single place in the world where we were better off now than we were when the president came to office. And here at home, we know Obamacare, we know slow growth, we know lack of optimism. The president is a good salesman, but I don’t think he could sell to the American people that things are getting better. And so we’re all looking forward to having a new president and a new State of the Union a year from now.”
HOSTING KY COAL MINER HOWARD ABSHIRE: “Well even though the President probably won’t know this unemployed coal miner was in the audience tonight, I wanted him to have to face the results of his policies. We have a depression in central Appalachia, eastern Kentucky, and West Virginia as a result of the President’s policies, not as a result of any legislation that Congress passed. And so I brought this unemployed coal miner here to see the person who put him out of work.” Click HERE to read more.
Senator McConnell welcomed Howard and Wray Lynn Abshire of Pike County to his office in the U.S. Capitol. The Abshires were the Senator’s guests for tonight’s State of the Union Address.

Related Issues: State of the Union, Coal, Energy, Obamacare, Health Care
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