
Leader McConnell Statement on Democrat Filibuster of Department of Defense Funding Bill

“It is inexcusable to see Senate Democrats filibustering the defense appropriations bill, jeopardizing both our combat readiness and our national security.

“This defense appropriations measure, like every other Fiscal Year 2017 funding bill, respects the budget caps in place and was reported out of committee at the earliest point in more than a decade — despite all of Democrats efforts to dismantle the appropriations process. It also earned the support of every single Democrat in committee. As the top Democrat on the defense subcommittee himself has said, ‘This defense bill takes a responsible approach to protecting our country — honoring the bipartisan budget deal in place…’

“But now, at a time when we face an array of terror threats around the globe, Senate Democrats are attempting to once again undermine efforts to support our troops as well as efforts to move the appropriations process forward.

“President Obama’s announcement yesterday about our troops in Afghanistan only underscores the Senate’s need to take up and pass the defense appropriations bill now. The president made a commitment to our allies, and Senate Democrats must join with us in meeting our commitment to the force.”

Related Issues: Budget, War on Terror, Appropriations, National Security, America's Military, Senate Democrats, Afghanistan