
Leader McConnell Statement on Christopher Wray

‘The work of an FBI Director is difficult, but I’m confident that Christopher Wray is more than qualified and quite capable of shouldering this important responsibility.’

 WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) released the following statement regarding President Trump’s announcement that he intends to nominate Christopher Wray as Director of the FBI:

‘Christopher Wray’s impressive credentials make him more than ready for the sober task of leading the FBI in fulfilling its law enforcement and national security missions, especially at a time when our country faces so many serious threats both at home and abroad. This, of course, is the criteria upon which an FBI Director nominee should be judged.

‘The work of an FBI Director is difficult, but I’m confident that Christopher Wray is more than qualified and quite capable of shouldering this important responsibility. That is what the American people expect and what the country deserves.’

Related Issues: National Security, Nominations