
Currently showing results related to Senate Democrats

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OP-ED: I’m proud of our vote to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh

by Sen. Mitch McConnell

Oct. 6, 2018, was a proud day for the U.S. Senate. We fulfilled one of our most critical constitutional duties and confirmed Brett M. Kavanaugh, a stunning legal mind and an exemplary federal judge, as the newest associate justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. The stakes are always high when the Senate considers a Supreme Court nomination. But the shameful spectacle that unfolded in recent weeks raised the stakes higher still. By the end, senators were not merely deciding whether to confirm an imp… Continue Reading


OP-ED: Democrats reap what they have sown

by Sen. Mitch McConnell

The day after Neil Gorsuch's nomination to the Supreme Court was announced, I wrote about his sterling credentials, record of independence and long history of bipartisan support - and predicted they would matter little to hard-left special interests that invariably oppose the Supreme Court nominees of any Republican president. I asked Democrats to ignore those extreme voices and their attacks and join us instead in giving Gorsuch fair consideration and an up-or-down vote, as we did for the first… Continue Reading


OP-ED: Gorsuch’s confirmation worth the fight

by Sen. Mitch McConnell

After the tragic passing of Justice Antonin Scalia last year, I promised that the Supreme Court vacancy would not be filled in the middle of a hotly contested presidential election. The American people needed to have a voice in the consideration of Justice Scalia's successor. On Friday, we saw the long-awaited results of that commitment. Kentuckians spoke when they helped elect President Trump, and the U.S. Senate listened when it confirmed Judge Neil Gorsuch. Even when many thought that Hilla… Continue Reading


OP-ED: Give Neil Gorsuch an Up-Or-Down Vote

by Sen. Mitch McConnell

Judge Neil Gorsuch is an exceptional nominee for the Supreme Court. He's recognized by people on both sides of the aisle as an accomplished, principled and fair jurist. When he was nominated to his current seat on the Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit in 2006, no one cast a single negative vote against his nomination: not then-Senators Obama, or Clinton, or Biden, or Kennedy - and not the current Democratic leader of the Senate, Sen. Chuck Schumer, either. Back then, Senator Schumer found G… Continue Reading


OP-ED: Democrats, ditch the apocalyptic rhetoric on Judge Gorsuch

by Sen. Mitch McConnell

The president made an outstanding choice with his nomination Tuesday of Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Justice Antonin Scalia's passing was a significant loss for the court and for our country. Gorsuch's impressive background and long record of service, however, give me confidence he will carry forward Scalia's legacy of faithfully applying the law and the Constitution. Like Scalia, Gorsuch understands the constitutional limits on his authority, and he knows that the duty of a judge i… Continue Reading


OP-ED: Time to Act on Bill That Provides Critical Funding

by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

Next week the Senate will vote on legislation - the so-called continuing resolution or CR - that will address Zika, veterans programs, severe flooding, the heroin and prescription opioid crisis, and fund the operations of the government through December. After many weeks of bipartisan negotiations, there is some understandable confusion over just what is and is not in that bill. I'm happy to clear it up. First, this is what's known as a "clean" CR. It's a clean bill because of what it doesn't … Continue Reading


OP-ED: Back To Work For The American People

by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell

When the American people elected a new Republican majority in 2014, they called for the Senate to get back to work. From day one, that's what this majority has set out to accomplish - and we've gotten a lot done as a result. Consider what we were able to achieve for the American people last year alone. Enacting permanent tax relief for families and small businesses. Bringing an end to a job-killing energy embargo from the 1970s. Rebuilding our nation's crumbling infrastructure with the most si… Continue Reading


OP-ED: Democrats shouldn’t rob voters of chance to replace Scalia

by Sens. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley

Appointed by President Ronald Reagan and unanimously confirmed by the Senate in 1986, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia was a towering figure whose sharp wit and formidable intellect were rivaled only by a decades-long fidelity to our founding document and an enduring commitment to the rule of law. His death stands as a tragic loss for our country. Finding the right person to take the seat he occupied will clearly be a monumental task. It may be a consequential challenge, but we think it's o… Continue Reading

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