The Leader Board


The Constitution Isn’t Kindling

Will Democrats Continue To Aid Obama's War On Coal Families? Today, Dems Have An Opportunity To Help Rein In The EPA's 'Constitutionally Reckless' War On Coal Families McConnell / Paul Amendment 'prohibition on withholding highway funds from States that refuse to submit State Implementation Plans' to the EPA: "To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to the regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency of greenhouse gas emissions, which may include a prohibition on withholdi… Continue Reading


Budget Puts Obamacare In The Crosshairs

'Best Chance Yet' To Repeal 'Terrible Piece Of Legislation' Senate Budget 'Essential' Step To 'Wipe Out' Obamacare SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): "It's a budget that would allow us to repeal and replace a program that hurts the middle class: Obamacare." ("GOP Aims To Sink Obamacare With Reconciliation," Politico, 3/18/15) "Senate Republicans want to use a powerful budget maneuver known as reconciliation to go after President Barack Obama's health care law" ("GOP Aims To Sink Obamacare W… Continue Reading


Obama Budget ‘Lurching To The Left’

Will Democrats Support Obama's 'Untethered,' 'Almost Fictional Document'? Obama Budget 'Lurching To The Left' In 'Strange, Almost Fictional Document' "…the president's annual budget is a strange, almost fictional document." ("Obama's Wish-List Gambit," Los Angeles Times, 2/4/15) "As he prepares to deliver his budget on Monday, President Barack Obama is lurching to the left." ("Obama Veers Left," Politico, 1/30/15) "Budget 2016: Obama moves left…" ("Budget 2016: Obama Moves … Continue Reading


The Budget: A Return To Regular Order

Dems 'Defiantly Refused' To Pass A Budget Four Out Of The Past Five Years SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This budget is another example of the new Senate getting back to work for the American people. ... This balanced budget is all about growing an economy that can work better for the Middle Class of today, and leaving a more prosperous future to the Middle Class of tomorrow." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 3/23/15) 2010 - 'Budget Woes? Just Don't Pass One, Democrats Say' "…Democr… Continue Reading


Editorials: ‘Democrats, Swallow Your Pride’

'Apparently, The Issue Of Funding Abortions Has Higher Priority Among Some Congressional Democrats Than The Horrible Epidemic Of Children Being Trafficked' 'Democrats Should Stop Blocking The Human Trafficking Bill In A Fight They Lost Decades Ago' CHICAGO TRIBUNE: "Democrats, swallow your pride. Vote to move forward with the human trafficking bill. … And Democrats can resolve never again to vote for a bill they haven't read." (Editorial, Chicago Tribune, 3/17/15) TRIBUNE: "The Hy… Continue Reading


Trade Means American Jobs

'International Trade Is Fundamentally Good For The U.S. Economy, Beneficial To American Families' 2014: 11.7 Million Jobs Supported By $2.4 Trillion In Exports COMMERCE DEPARTMENT: "U.S. exports of goods and services tallied a record $2.35 trillion in 2014. That was the fifth consecutive year we achieved record exports." (Dept. Of Commerce, "Increased Exports And The Jobs Supported By Exports Are Keys To Heightened Economic Confidence," 3/11/15) "…a record year when it came to exp… Continue Reading


Four Myths Democrats Know To Be False

Reid The Bill MYTH 1: Hyde Amendment Language Was Sneaked In SEN. PATTY MURRAY (D-WA): "The provision the Republicans are hoping to sneak in…" (Sen. Murray, Congressional Record, S.1404, 3/11/15) MURRAY: "The Republicans are trying to pull a fast one here on the human trafficking bill…" ("Human Trafficking Bill Hits A Snag In The Senate," The New York Times, 3/10/15) REALITY: 'Democratic Staff Members Apparently Did Not Read The Bill' The Cornyn bill was introduced Janu… Continue Reading


Dems ‘Choosing A Phantom Problem Over Real Victims’

Democrats Threatening 'To Torpedo Bipartisan Legislation Combating Human Sex Trafficking' ELEANOR GAETAN, The Coalition Against Trafficking In Women: "Senate Democrats are choosing a phantom problem over real victims." (Dallas Morning News, 3/12/15) GAETAN: "Speechless that superb U.S. anti-trafficking bill #JVTA is hostage… Offer an amendment & take a vote Dems, don't block!" (Twitter, @EkGaetan, 3/11/15) Bipartisan Cornyn / Klobuchar Bill 'Represents An Effort To … … Continue Reading



VIDEO TRANSCRIPT SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND (D-NY): "We should pass Senator Cornyn's Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, which would support programs for survivors of human trafficking and child pornography…" (Sen. Gillibrand, Congressional Record, S.1270, 3/4/15) SEN. HEIDI HEITKAMP (D-ND): "I also call on the majority leader to act by urging him to also bring S. 166, the Stop Exploitation Through Trafficking Act, and S. 178, the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act, to the floor fo… Continue Reading


McConnell: ‘Victims Are Counting On Us To Act’

Cornyn & Klobuchar: 'We Must Join Together And Take Action' To End Trafficking CORNYN & KLOBUCHAR: 'Young People Are Being Robbed Of Their Innocence,' 'Fight This Modern-Day Slave Trade' SENS. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX) & AMY KLOBUCHAR (D-MN): "Instead of treating people like these young girls as the victims they are, they are often thrown into the criminal justice system, labeled prostitutes and left with few options but to return to a nightmare that shockingly still exists in the Uni… Continue Reading


Bipartisan Skepticism Of Obama’s Iran Policy

Diplomats Concerned About A Nuclear Arms Race In The Mideast 'Skepticism' & 'Concern' Expressed Over Obama Administration Negotiations 10 DEMOCRAT SENATORS: "We remain deeply skeptical that Iran is committed to making the concessions required to demonstrate to the world that its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful by March 24 - the deadline agreed upon for a political framework agreement. Considering Iran's history in nuclear negotiations and after two extensions of the Joint Plan … Continue Reading


Obama’s Keystone Choice: Workers Or The 1%

Unions 'Urge The President To Sign This Bill,' Ignore 'Deep Pocketed Billionaire' Unions: 'Washington Should Put Job Creation And The Livelihoods Of Working Men And Women Ahead Of … Deep Pocketed Billionaire Funders' TEAMSTERS: 'I urge the president to sign this bill,' 'construction of the Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline will jump-start local economies by creating good-paying jobs.' "With the passage of the Keystone Pipeline Act by the House of Representatives today, Teamsters General Pre… Continue Reading


Presidential Power Grab: Dem Rhetoric vs. Reality

Dems Claim To Be 'Concerned About The Constitutional Separation Of Powers,' But When The Chips Are Down They Back A President Who Is Blatantly 'Ignoring The Law' Dem Rhetoric: 'Frankly Am Concerned About The Constitutional Separation Of Powers' SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): "I disagree with the president's decision to use executive action to make changes to our immigration system..." (CBS News, 11/20/14) MANCHIN: "I also agree with my Republican colleagues that President Obama should not ha… Continue Reading


Another Obamacare Fumble

In Latest Obamacare Misstep, 'Nearly One Million People' Receive Incorrect Tax Info Obama Administration 'Scrambling' To Fix 'Error On Crucial Forms' "But in a twist, the agency said it is scrambling to fix an error on crucial forms that went out to roughly one in five customers…" ("Obamacare Officials Admit Blunder: 800K Got Faulty Tax Info From Federal Website," Washington Times, 2/20/15) "The administration sent incorrect tax information to 800,000 people who have… Continue Reading


Dems On Keystone: ‘So Important That We Do It Now’

Senate Dems Push For Pipeline Approval: 'We Have Everything To Gain By Building This Pipeline' DEMOCRATS: 'Common Sense To Be For The Pipeline' Nine currently serving democrats voted 'to approve the Keystone XL Pipeline' last November-with no amendments. (S.2280, Roll Call Vote #280, Bill Defeated 59-41: R 46-0; D 13-39; I 0-2, 11/18/14) Keystone bill cosponsored by democrat senators Joe Manchin (D-WV), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND), Jon Tester (D-MT), Claire McCaskill (D-MO)… Continue Reading


New Era, More Votes

New Senate Holds More Amendment Roll Call Votes In One Week Than Total Held Last Year; And Even Democrats Are Praising The Change SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "We've actually reached a milestone here that I think's noteworthy for the Senate. We just cast our fifteenth roll call vote on an amendment on this bill, which is more roll call votes on amendments than the entire United States Senate in all of 2014. … This is the way the Senate ought to work." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 1… Continue Reading


The Keystone Jobs Bill

American Public, Unions, Republicans & Many Democrats Support 'The Creation Of Good Paying Jobs' UNION PRESIDENT: 'This shovel-ready project will put thousands of hardworking men and women to work' (William Hite, UA President, Letter To Congress, 1/8/15) AMERICANS: 'By Nearly Two-To-One … Public Favors Building The Pipeline' FOX NEWS: "Most Americans of all political stripes support construction of the long-delayed Keystone XL oil pipeline, and want President Obama to sign leg… Continue Reading


Keystone: Unions Double Down In Support

Organized Labor Rallies For The Job Creating Infrastructure Project Teamsters, Electricians, Engineers, Plumbers & Pipefitters, And Others Say 'Enough Is Enough' TEAMSTERS: 'Good paying jobs' "I am writing to express the strong support of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters for the Keystone XL Pipeline… The Teamsters Union continues to believe that the Keystone XL (KXL) pipeline will contribute to enhanced energy security, economic prosperity and, of critical importance, t… Continue Reading


Dems’ Jobs Credibility

Dems Continue To Claim 'Hundreds Of Thousands Of Jobs' In Every Bill They Consider But After Two Years Of False Promises, America Has Lost Nearly 3 Million Jobs 2,837,000 Jobs Lost February, 2009 - December, 2010 (U.S. Dept. Of Labor, "Employment, Hour, And Earnings From The Current Employment Statistics Survey (National)," Accessed 1/24/11) Unemployment Rate: 9.4% ("The Unemployment Situation - December 2010," Bureau Of Labor Statistics, 1/7/11) New FAA Promise: 'Hundreds Of Thousan… Continue Reading


Stimulating Wall Street

The "Clear Winner" Of The "Build America Bonds" Provision In The Stimulus "Has Been Wall Street" SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): "Taxpayers deserve to know where the money is going. Banks are in business to make money. They lobbied for this program. Democratic congressional leaders designed the program knowing that banks would get this business, so those leaders have an obligation to put some checks and balances into the deal. It's too late after the money's been spent." "But Build America … Continue Reading

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