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Mike Pompeo, ‘A Highly Qualified Nominee’

Sen. Burr: 'Somebody's Going To Be Hard-Pressed To Show Me Anything That's A Disqualifier Other Than Politics' Sen. Corker: 'We're Much Better As A Nation Having Mike Pompeo As Secretary Of State' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Here is a man who -- through mastery of the daily briefings he receives, counsel on our nation's most sensitive intelligence activities, and proven leadership in returning our CIA to the aggressive gathering of foreign intelligence -- has inspired … Continue Reading


'Are You Kidding Me?'

Overwhelming Bipartisan Support For Secretaries Of State Was A Long-Standing Senate Tradition SEN. BOB CORKER (R-TN), Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman: "[M]y Democratic friends, who know that … the base, if you will, on the Left, will view this as a proxy vote in support of Trump, obviously are finding ways to not vote for him. This is very much against any kind of tradition that we've had here…. [A]nd there's nothing in Pompeo's past that, in any way, could possibly… Continue Reading


‘Confirm Mike Pompeo’

Former Sec. of State Madeleine Albright: 'He Will Be Somebody That Replenishes The State Department' THE WASHINGTON POST EDITORS: "Confirm Mike Pompeo" (Editorial, The Washington Post, 4/12/2018) Democrats: 'The State Department Needs A Secretary Of State Quickly,' Director Pompeo Is 'A Nominee Who Really Answers Our Questions' FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE MADELEINE ALBRIGHT: "He has been a member of Congress. And he's had a job recently that has put him in a position of knowing an awful lot.… Continue Reading


Historic Democrat Obstruction

President Trump's Nominees Have Faced 86 Cloture Votes In First 2 Years Vs. 24 For Previous 6 Presidents Combined SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Over and over again, we've had to file cloture and exhaust floor time on amply-qualified nominees who then soar through their confirmation votes by lopsided margins…. The numbers speak for themselves." (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 4/11/2018) WALL STREET JOURNAL: "Democratic obstruction against nominees is nearly total, most not… Continue Reading


‘Pompeo Is The Right Man’

30 Bipartisan Former National Security Officials Say 'Director Pompeo Is A Strong Choice To Lead The Department Of State' "Thirty former government officials with national security experience have written a letter to the top Republican and Democratic members of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, Sens. Bob Corker and Bob Menendez, endorsing the current CIA Director and former Kansas Congressman [Mike Pompeo]. The authors cite the 'hot wars' in Syria and Afghanistan, emerging crises in Ir… Continue Reading


Minnesota Supreme Court Justice David Stras Will ‘Make An Excellent Circuit Court Judge’

Justice David Stras Has A 'Reputation For Thoughtfulness, Fairness, And Intellectual Excellence' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "David Stras of Minnesota… currently serves as Associate Justice of the Minnesota Supreme Court. Three of his former colleagues on that Court, now retired, praised him in an open letter last year for his sterling academic record, his considerable experience, and his ability to hear cases - quote - 'with objectivity and an open mind.' Their testimony only confirms … Continue Reading


Improving The Lives Of The American People

The Major Accomplishments Of The 115th Congress SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "When President Trump delivers his State of the Union address, he will have outstanding news to share. After a decade of sluggish growth and stagnant paychecks, our country is back on the right track. Optimism is sweeping across the country, and the economy is finally gaining momentum. The Trump administration has worked with the Republican Congress to improve the lives of the American people. … Republicans have… Continue Reading


On Judges: ‘A Year Of Extraordinary Accomplishment’

'Gorsuch's Confirmation … A Marquee Accomplishment For President Trump' "The U.S. Senate confirmed Neil M. Gorsuch to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court… Gorsuch's confirmation is a marquee accomplishment for President Trump and his young administration…" ("Senate Confirms Neil Gorsuch To Supreme Court," Washington Post, 4/7/2017) The Senate Has Confirmed An Historic 12 Circuit Court Judges This Year - The Most In A President's 1st Year In Office Since The Creation Of Cir… Continue Reading



The Senate Has Confirmed An Historic 12 Circuit Court Judges This Year - The Most In A President's 1st Year In Office Since The Creation Of Circuit Courts In 1891 SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Today, the Senate will continue another historic week confirming more of President Trump's impressive judicial nominees to the federal bench. … Under Chairman Grassley's leadership, the Senate Judiciary Committee has done outstanding work to move these judicial nominees to the floor." (Sen. McConne… Continue Reading


‘Judicial Appointments Are The Sleeper Story That Matters’

CIRCUIT COURTS: 'A Dozen Trump Appointees… In His First Year In The White House' "Judicial appointments are the sleeper story that matters: Tax reform and the end of year spending deal will consume all of Washington's oxygen until the end of the year. But quietly, a potentially far more important, though far less sexy story is unfolding." ("Judicial Appointments Are The Sleeper Story That Matters," Axios, 11/19/2017) 'Senate Republicans Close In On Record For Judicial Confirmations' … Continue Reading


Jim Ho ‘Has A Fidelity To The Rule Of Law That We Should All Want In A Federal Judge’

Will Be The 12th Nominee To A Circuit Court To Be Confirmed By The Senate This Year TEXAS SENATORS: Jim Ho A Star 'In The Texas Legal Firmament' SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): "Jim Ho and Justice Don Willett have proven their sharp legal expertise and fidelity to the law throughout their distinguished careers in Texas… I was proud to join Senator Cruz in recommending both Texans to fill the vacancies on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, and together we'll fight for their swif… Continue Reading


Justice Willett A Man Of ‘Deep Intellect And Principle’

Will Be The 11th Nominee To A Circuit Court To Be Considered By The Full Senate This Year SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Texas Supreme Court Justice Don Willett … respects the rule of law and our foundational legal principles, and he will be a strong addition to the Fifth Circuit." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 12/12/2017) "Justice Willett is a Texas native and grew up in Kaufman County. He is the adopted son of parents who did not graduate from high school, and is the first college … Continue Reading


Steve Grasz A Man Of ‘Integrity, Humility, And Decency’

The 10th Nominee To A Circuit Court To Be Considered By The Full Senate This Year SEN. DEB FISCHER (R-NE): "After extensive consultation, it was clear Steve Grasz was the only candidate Senator Sasse and I wanted to recommend to President Trump for this judgeship." (U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 11/1/2017) SEN. BEN SASSE (R-NE): "Steve bleeds Husker red but knows that a judge must clothe themselves in the black robes of impartiality." (U.S. Senate, Judiciary Committee, Hearing, 11… Continue Reading


Another Extraordinary Circuit Court Judge

'There's No Disputing That [Gregory Katsas Is] Very Well Qualified For This Job' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): "…there's no disputing that [Gregory Katsas is] very well qualified for this job. He has degrees from Princeton and Harvard, and he clerked for the Third Circuit, the D.C. Circuit, and the Supreme Court. He has years of experience in the public sector-where he led divisions at the Department of Justice-and in the private sector-where he was a partner at Jones Day. He currently ser… Continue Reading


‘A Quartet Of Solidly Conservative Judges’

'Democrats And Liberal Groups Have Been Unable To Stop Any Of Trump's Nominees' "Last week, Senate Republicans were able to confirm four of President Donald Trump's judicial nominees for lifetime positions on circuit courts, in addition to one more to a district court post as a part of the president's unprecedented judicial blitz." ("McConnell Just Got A Bunch Of Trump's Judicial Nominees Confirmed In One Week," Business Insider, 11/5/2017) Last Week Senate Republicans Conducted 'A Circuit C… Continue Reading


Justice Allison Eid ‘An Exceptional Nominee’

Justice Eid's Former Clerks: She 'Has Excelled At The Highest Levels' And 'Epitomizes The Self-Fortitude And Grace We Should Hope For In Our Public Servants' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Judiciary Committee Chairman: "…the Senate will vote on the nomination of Colorado Supreme Court Justice Allison Eid, to serve on the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. She is an eminently qualified and exceptional nominee who has received widespread bipartisan praise and support…. I think mainstream, … Continue Reading


Sen. Young: ‘We Do Not Have Religious Tests For Office… Period’

Republicans Are Fighting Back Against Democrats' Attempt To 'Impose An Inappropriate, Unconstitutional, And Highly Disconcerting Religious Litmus Test' On Judicial Nominees U.S. CONSTITUTION: "…no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States." (U.S. Constitution, Article 6) SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Trump has done a terrific job of nominating judges who are already helping to restore the courts to their inte… Continue Reading


Justice Joan Larsen: ‘Brilliant, Principled, And Dedicated’

Law School Colleagues Praise 'Her Commitment To The Rule Of Law And Her Capacity For Top-Flight Legal Analysis' SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA), Judiciary Committee Chairman: "Justice Larsen's nomination is supported by a broad coalition of lawyers, judges, academic colleagues…. Justice Larsen began her legal career clerking for Justice Sentelle of the D.C. Circuit and Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court…. Justice Larsen has taught constitutional law and criminal law at the University … Continue Reading


The Courts: Restoring The Rule Of Law

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "…something that people aren't talking about is how many judges we've had approved, whether it be the Court of Appeals, circuit judges, whether it be district judges. We have [a] tremendous [number], right now, under review. … I think it's one of the big unsung things of this administration… Many, many are in the pipeline. The level of quality is extraordinary." (President Trump, Press Conference, 10/16/2017) WALL STREET JOURNAL: "Mr. Trump has nominated … Continue Reading


‘No Religious Test Shall Ever Be Required’

SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "President Trump has done a terrific job of nominating judges who are already helping to restore the courts to their intended function in our system of government. … Amy Barrett is a professor of law at one of our nation's premier law schools. Notre Dame happens to be a Catholic university. Amy Barrett happens to be a nominee who is Catholic--and who speaks freely and openly about her faith and its importance to her. For some on the Left, that seems to be a di… Continue Reading

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