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Replacing The Obama EPA’s Job-Killing Coal Regulation

The Trump Administration Is Doing Away With An Obama EPA Regulation That 'Would Have Weaponized A Federal Agency To Bury Energy Producers,' 'Left Higher Electricity Costs In Its Wake,' And Cost American Jobs "The Environmental Protection Agency finalized its replacement for Obama's signature climate policy on Wednesday with a rule officials say will still reduce greenhouse gas emissions … The Clean Power Plan, which never went into effect, was a signature policy proposed by Presiden… Continue Reading


Democrats’ Green New Deal: ‘A Raw Deal For America’

Republican Senators On The Green New Deal: 'A Dangerous, Unachievable And Unaffordable Manifesto For Government Control Over Every Part Of The Economy And Our Lives' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Despite its lofty goals and pleasant-enough name, the Green New Deal is really a dangerous, unachievable and unaffordable manifesto for government control over every part of the economy and our lives…. So when I call up the Green New Deal for consideration in the Senate, I w… Continue Reading


Green New Deal: A Democratic Scheme To ‘Cause Immediate Harm To Millions’

Labor Unions And The Solar And Wind Industries Recognize That The Green New Deal Is 'Too Extreme' And A Threat To Jobs And Families' Standards Of Living, Plus '[T]here's No Way To Pay For It' Labor Unions: Green New Deal 'Could Cause Immediate Harm To Millions Of Our Members And Their Families' AFL-CIO ENERGY COMMITTEE: "We will not accept proposals that could cause immediate harm to millions of our members and their families. We will not stand by and allow threats to our members' jobs an… Continue Reading


A Long List Of Accomplishments

'[T]he Coast Guard Legislation Was Just The Very Latest Installment In A Long List Of Bipartisan Successes Passed By This Senate' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[This week], we passed legislation to reauthorize the Coast Guard by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. The Senate took action to reaffirm the critical security, interdiction, and rescue missions that keep Americans safe, and to streamline duplicative regulations at the same time. The provision to clarify the regul… Continue Reading


List Of Accomplishments Keeps Growing

Water Infrastructure, FAA Reauthorization, And Landmark Opioids Bill Are Latest Additions To The Accomplishments Of The 115th Congress SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Earlier this year, the president challenged us to seriously address our nation's crumbling infrastructure. In Congress, we've wasted no time on working to tackle this challenge in a bipartisan way. Here are just a few highlights. The funding bill for fiscal year 2018 included a $21 billion increase in infrastruc… Continue Reading


A Productive August

Senate Remained 'In Session This Month To Continue Working On Behalf Of The American People' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "August is usually a time for Senators to spend more time in our home states, meeting with our constituents and reporting on the progress we've made in Washington. But this August had to be different. There was too much business left unfinished. So I made the decision to keep the Senate in session this month to continue working on behalf of the American… Continue Reading


Continuing To Produce For The American People

A Growing List Of Achievements By The 115th Congress SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "One bill after another, one confirmation after another, the Senate continues to produce major accomplishments that will directly improve the lives of the American people." (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 5/24/2018) With More To Come, Here's A Look At Some Of The Legislative Highlights Of The 115th Congress TAX REFORM: Reformed America's tax code for the first time in 31 years - putting … Continue Reading


‘Chopping Away’ At Regulations

16th CRA Targets 'Unaccountable, Out-Of-Control Agency That Circumvented The Proper Rulemaking Process' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Republicans are chopping away at the tangled mess of regulations the last administration left behind. Our whole economy is getting a tune-up…. We used the Congressional Review Act a record 15 times last year." (Sen. McConnell, Remarks, 4/17/2018) 'GOP Maneuver Could Roll Back Decades Of Regulation' "Republicans are preparing to ope… Continue Reading


Improving The Lives Of The American People

The Major Accomplishments Of The 115th Congress SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "When President Trump delivers his State of the Union address, he will have outstanding news to share. After a decade of sluggish growth and stagnant paychecks, our country is back on the right track. Optimism is sweeping across the country, and the economy is finally gaining momentum. The Trump administration has worked with the Republican Congress to improve the lives of the American people. … Republicans have… Continue Reading


Tax Reform: Lower Utility Rates

'Regulators From Montana To Kentucky Have Ordered Utilities To Act Now To Ensure Ratepayers Share In The Windfall From The Tax Bill' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "All around the country, utility companies that will benefit from our new tax cuts are already discussing plans to pass their savings on to consumers. Major power companies in Illinois, Maryland, and Massachusetts are already proposing plans to give their customers tens of millions of dollars in relief by lowering the rates they charge… Continue Reading


ANWR: ‘This Year Is Different’

SEN. MURKOWSKI: 'The Economic Benefits Will Be Substantial, Our National Security Will Be Strengthened' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "There is one more element of this bill that deserves special attention. It provides the nation, and particularly the people of Alaska, with a tremendous opportunity to develop the state's bountiful natural resources. In 1980, Congress set aside a particular non-wilderness area within Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge for potential development of its oil and gas r… Continue Reading


‘Historic Tax Relief’

Senate Republicans 'Passed The Most Sweeping Tax Rewrite In Decades' 'Taking A Big Step Toward … [A] Major Legislative Triumph' PRESIDENT TRUMP: "We're now one huge step closer to delivering to the American people … historic tax relief …" (President Trump, "Remarks by President Trump on Antiquities Act Designations," 12/04/2017) SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "We have an opportunity now to make America more competitive, and to keep jobs from being shippe… Continue Reading


ANWR: ‘A Tremendous Opportunity For Both Alaska And Our Country’

SEN. MURKOWSKI: 'The Economic Benefits Will Be Substantial, Our National Security Will Be Strengthened, And The Environmental Impacts Will Be Minimal' SEN. MURKOWSKI: This Legislation 'Will Put Us On A Path Toward Greater Prosperity' SEN. LISA MURKOWSKI (R-AK): "This legislation is a tremendous opportunity for both Alaska and our country… The legislation I released tonight will put us on a path toward greater prosperity by creating jobs, keeping energy affordable for families and busi… Continue Reading


15 CRAs: Draining The Regulatory Swamp

Continuing The 'Most Ambitious Regulatory Rollback Since Reagan,' Congress Scraps Another Bureaucratic Rule FIFTEEN: Overturning A Rule That Could Have Meant Higher Credit Card Rates And 'A Bonanza For Trial Lawyers' SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID), Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee Chairman: "[T]he entire purpose of this rule is to promote class action litigation and to stop arbitration resolution when there is a dispute…. The CFPB failed to demonstrate that consumers will… Continue Reading


‘Cut The Red Tape’

Like Congress, President Trump 'Followed Through' On His Pledge To Ease Regulatory Burdens 'Lots Of Presidents Talked About Getting Rid Of Bad Regulations - Trump Is Actually Doing It' "Getting rid of unneeded regulations may be the single-most effective spur to economic growth that's available to the federal government. Thankfully, unlike most recent presidents, President Trump is taking the job of cutting bad regulations seriously. That can be evidenced by the special 'Deregulation Day' th… Continue Reading


Putting American Families First

Former President Obama's UN Agreement 'Unfairly Jeopardized The American Economy' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I applaud President Trump and his administration for dealing yet another significant blow to the Obama Administration's assault on domestic energy production and jobs. President Obama made commitments in this deal based off a costly power plan that we knew at the time was on shaky legal ground. By withdrawing from this unattainable mandate, President Trump has reiterated his commitme… Continue Reading


14 CRAs: A Victory For American Workers

Repealed Regulations 'Will Save $3.7 Billion In Total Regulatory Costs … And Eliminate 4.2 Million Hours Of Paperwork' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[We have] wasted no time in providing regulatory relief to Americans and restoring legislative power where it rightfully belongs, with the people through their elected representatives in Congress. We have a tool that's proved incredibly helpful in this regard. It's called the Congressional Review Act." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 5/11/20… Continue Reading


Sen. McConnell: ‘Protecting These Miners And Their Families … Has Been A Top Priority Of Mine’

Funding Bill Will 'Ensure That Thousands Of Retired Coal Miners And Their Families … Will Not Lose Their Health Care Benefits' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "…this one-week extension will also ensure that thousands of retired coal miners and their families - including many in my home state of Kentucky - will not lose their health care benefits. Protecting these miners and their families from losing their health care has been a top priority of mine. Last year, I fought for a long-te… Continue Reading


Repealing Regulations That ‘Kill Jobs, Raise Prices, Depress Wages, And Lower Opportunities’

The Congressional Review Act Has Already Been Used '11 Times To Strike Down Obama-Era' Midnight Regulations SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Regulations aren't issued in a vacuum; they have real economic consequences that can harm the middle class. They can kill jobs, raise prices, depress wages, and lower opportunities. And yet, the Obama Administration went on a regulatory rampage at a time when we should've been looking to do just the opposite. … Fortunately, we now hav… Continue Reading


Energy Independence Executive Order ‘A Pro-Growth And Pro-Environment Approach’

Sen. McConnell: 'I've Worked Hard To Defend Coal Communities And The Jobs That They, And So Many Across The Country, Depend Upon' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Throughout my career in the Senate, I've worked hard to defend coal communities and the jobs that they, and so many across the country, depend upon. These men and women have dedicated their lives to providing an affordable and reliable power source for our homes, businesses, and communities. They deserve our respect and our support. &hel… Continue Reading

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