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Editorials: ‘It's An Economics 101 Lesson… Trade Is Good’

'The American People Understand That They Have More To Gain Than To Fear From A More Open Global Economy' 'No Item Is More Important Than The Passage Of… Trade Promotion Authority,' 'It Should Pass' BALTIMORE SUN: "It's an Economics 101 lesson that bears repeating: Trade is good. The United States is the world's largest trading nation, supporting more than 11 million jobs." (Editorial, "Give Obama 'Fast Track' Authority," Baltimore Sun, 4/17/15) "The less trade is encumbered, the … Continue Reading


100 Days: ‘Signs Of Progress’

'Senators Making Significant Headway On Sticky Issues,' 'Promise On A Number Of Policy Fronts' 'One Of The More Productive Legislative Periods In Recent Years,' A 'Rash Of Bipartisanship' "The first 100 days of the 114th Congress offered signs of progress. … Republicans say the party is knocking the dust off its governing playbook for what could be one of the more productive legislative periods in recent years." ("100 Days Of Congress: Stumbles But Signs Of Progress," USA Today, … Continue Reading

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