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‘The Attorney General Position Must Be Filled Swiftly’

Senate Dems Previously: 'This Position Is Too Important For Any Kind Of Political Games' "Historically, the Senate began hearings before Inauguration Day for every attorney general nominee from a newly elected president since Dwight Eisenhower..." ("Democrats To Give Trump Cabinet Picks The Garland Treatment," Politico, 12/05/2016) FLASHBACK Top Dem: 'We Should All Be Able To Agree That Confirming The Top Law Enforcement Position Should Be An Urgent Priority Of The Senate' SEN. DIANNE FEI… Continue Reading


114th Congress: Major Wins For The American People

Stack Of Major Legislation Passed By The Republican Senate: 21st Century Cures, Fighting Zika, Combatting Opioids, Water Resources Development Act, FAA Legislation, Infrastructure Improvements, Biotech Labeling, Puerto Rico Restructuring, Modernizing The Toxic Substances Control Act, Trade Secrets, FOIA Updates, North Korean Sanctions & Much More SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): 'I'm incredibly proud of what we've been able to accomplish for our country' "This Congress, the Se… Continue Reading


Sen. Sessions’ Leadership On Prison Reform

Sessions Key To 'Pivotal' 'Landmark Law … To Address The Scourge Of Sexual Abuse Behind Bars' PRISON RAPE ELIMINATION ACT OF 2003: Sessions Bill Marked 'A Sea Change In The Awareness Of Sexual Assaults … Against Incarcerated Men And Women' Sen. Sessions was one of the driving forces behind S.1435, the 'Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003' (S.1435, Signed Into Law 9/4/2003) SEN. JEFF SESSIONS (R-AL): "I worked with Senator Kennedy to hammer out legislation that I think is impor… Continue Reading


Drug Enforcement Officials: Sessions Will Make ‘An Excellent Attorney General’

Former Drug Czars And DEA Administrators Praise Sen. Sessions' 'Leadership And Sober Dedication' Sen. Sessions 'Is A Protector Of Civil Rights And Defender Of Crime Victims' "[W]e write to express our strong support for the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions to be Attorney General of the United States. Senator Sessions' exemplary record during his long career in public service speaks to the leadership and sober dedication he would bring to the Department of Justice. . . His prudent and respon… Continue Reading


Former U.S. Attorneys General Support Sessions

Former Attorneys General: 'Senator Sessions Is Superbly Qualified By Temperament, Intellect, And Experience, To Serve As This Nation's Chief Law Enforcement Officer' Sen. Sessions Is 'A Person Of Unwavering Dedication To The Mission Of The Department [Of Justice]' "The signers of this letter served in the Department of Justice ... and, in connection with that service, came to know Senator Jeff Sessions through his oversight of the Department as a member of the Judiciary Committee or in his … Continue Reading


Law Enforcement Lauds Sen. Jeff Sessions

'A Man Of Outstanding Character With An Impeccable Reputation For Integrity' Former Justice Department Officials: 'He Will Be Driven By The Law' LARRY THOMPSON, Former Deputy Attorney General of the United States: "I first met Jeff when he was United States attorney in Mobile, Ala., and I was the United States attorney in Atlanta. To stretch our limited per diems on travel to Justice Department conferences, we often shared a hotel room. You really get to know a person when you interact so cl… Continue Reading


President Obama: ‘They’re Not Coming Here’

On ISIL: 'We Have Contained Them' PRESIDENT OBAMA: 'They're not coming here' "…the president would say that he had failed to fully appreciate the fear many Americans were experiencing about the possibility of a Paris-style attack in the U.S. …he has never believed that terrorism poses a threat to America commensurate with the fear it generates. Even during the period in 2014 when ISIS was executing its American captives in Syria, his emotions were in check. Valerie Jarrett, Obama'… Continue Reading


Senate Back To Work

List of Legislation Passed By The Republican Senate Continues To Grow SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL: "We're seeing every day what a Senate that's back to work can achieve. We're seeing what's possible when committees are up and running again and the legislative process is functioning better again. We're seeing what's possible when senators from both sides of the aisle are empowered again to find areas of common ground, and then can actually work together to achieve them. . . We're g… Continue Reading


Adam Walsh Act Reauthorization Will Help Keep Our Children Safe

Republican Led Senate Has 'Passed Many Different Measures To Help Victims' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Republican-led Senate believes in the importance of combating sexual assault and providing key protections for the victims of these heinous crimes. ...the Adam Walsh Reauthorization Act, will bolster efforts to prevent future sexual assault crimes and help victims receive justice." (Sen. McConnell, Congressional Record, S.3039, 3/23/16) SEN. CHUCK GRASSLEY (R-IA): "Too many kids are … Continue Reading


Combating Opioid Addiction

'Bipartisan Legislation … Designed To Fight Prescription Opioid Abuse And Heroin Use' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]here are steps we can take today to help families impacted by drug abuse - and keep more families from ever going through it to begin with. . . [The Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act (CARA)] has garnered a great deal of support from both sides because of its provisions to expand prevention and educational efforts, strengthen prescription-drug monitoring progra… Continue Reading


Kate’s Murder Is Not An Isolated Incident

Thousands Of Criminals Remain In This Country As Local Jurisdictions Defy Federal Law Kate Steinle Family: Who In Their Right Mind Would Let A Seven Time, Undocumented, Violent Felon Loose On The Streets "Officials said Steinle was walking on Pier 14 with her father on July 1 when she was shot dead. 'As she fell, she said 'help me dad,' Jim Steinle said.'" ("Parents Of Woman Killed At San Francisco's Pier 14 File Legal Claims," KGO, 9/1/15) "Within an hour of the shooting, police arrested … Continue Reading


Time To ‘Help Protect American Lives’

Victims' Families, Law Enforcement Groups Speak Out In Support of Legislation to Enact 'Kate's Law' and to Address 'Sanctuary Cities' "Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., on Thursday announced the Senate would vote… on legislation to enact 'Kate's Law,' [and to] strip any jurisdiction qualifying as a 'sanctuary city' of federal grant money. 'Kate's Law' is a campaign to impose a penalty of a minimum of five years in prison for any illegal immigrant who is deported and then … Continue Reading

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