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Regulations Accelerate, Economy Slows

The 'Economy Edged Further Into The Slow Lane' As Obama Bureaucrats 'In The Bowels Of Federal Agencies' Busily Bury Job Creators Under A 'Flurry Of Regulations' "The U.S. economy sputtered in the first quarter, expanding at the slowest pace in two years as business slashed investment by the steepest amount since the Great Recession. Gross domestic product, the sum of a nation's economy, slowed to a 0.5% annual growth rate in the first three months of 2016, the government said Thursday." ("GDP R… Continue Reading



The Obama Administration's New Retirement Plan Regulations Will Cost Workers, Retirees Obama Plan 'Could More Than Double The Cost Of Investment Advice For Many Savers' Or Push Investors 'To Settle For Computer Generated Robo-Advice' "President Obama's plan to reform retirement savings could more than double the cost of investment advice for many savers. … A recent study by Cerulli Associates found that while the current commission model costs on average 0.5% of assets, the fee-based mo… Continue Reading


‘A Major Setback’ For Pres. Obama’s Anti-Coal Regs

Supreme Court Order Shows Obama EPA's Anti-Coal Regulations 'Could Be In Legal Jeopardy' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Last year I called on governors to hold off submitting plans mandated under the President's regressive federal energy regulations until courts could determine whether the regulations were even legal. Today's Supreme Court order to halt those regulations-regulations that attack the middle class and won't even have a meaningful impact on global carbon emissions-is just the latest… Continue Reading


Obama’s Regulatory ‘Nightmare’

Farmers, Small Businesses, States Object to White House Waters of the U.S. 'Powergrab' "President Obama on Tuesday rejected an attempt by congressional Republicans to overturn his landmark regulation asserting federal power over small bodies of water." ("Obama Vetoes GOP Attempt To Block Water Rule," The Hill, 1/19/2016) SEN. McCONNELL: "WOTUS isn't really a clean-water measure, it's an unprecedented federal power grab clumsily masquerading as one. In passing a bipartisan measure to overtur… Continue Reading


‘Strengthening The First Amendment’

'Cheer On These Restraints Against Government Harassment' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The legislation before us … will help advance other important conservative priorities too, like strengthening the First Amendment..." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 12/17/15) "…cheer on these restraints against government harassment of political donors." (Editorial, "Free Speech and the Freedom Caucus," The Wall Street Journal, 12/18/15) 'First Amendment Wins In Congressional Deal' "… Continue Reading


President Obama In Paris: American Jobs Sacrificed For ‘Paper Tiger’ Deal

In Return For A 'Paper Tiger' Deal In Paris… SEC. KERRY: "…it doesn't have mandatory targets for reduction, and it doesn't have an enforcement compliance mechanism." (Fox News' "Fox News Sunday," 12/13/15) "The agreement is largely nonbinding and not subject to Senate approval…" ("Businesses Back Paris Climate Agreement," U.S. News, 12/14/15) "…critics on both sides say the deal represents nothing more than a 'paper tiger.'" ("Obama Officials Take Victory Lap Ove… Continue Reading


Punishing The Poor

Coal Miner: 'You Say You're The President Of The People? Well We're People Too' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Obama Administration is trying to impose deeply regressive energy regulations that would eliminate good-paying jobs, punish the poor, and make it even harder for Kentuckians to put food on the table. Their effect on global carbon levels? Essentially a rounding error. Their effect on poor and Middle-Class families? Potentially devastating. And yet. The deep-pocketed left-wingers w… Continue Reading


EPA’s Water ‘Nightmare’

'We've Heard Horror Stories' About The EPA EPA Waters Of The U.S. Regulation: 'A Nightmare For U.S. Citizens' "Barack Obama's water war… a massive power grab by Washington." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Politico, 5/27/15) "…it will give bureaucrats carte blanche to swoop in and penalize landowners every time a cow walks through a ditch." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Politico, 5/27/15) "With their efforts to redefine waters to be regulated by the Clean Water Act, they've… Continue Reading


‘Wave’ Of Opposition To EPA Power Grab Grows

'Publication Of The EPA's Carbon Rule … Has Prompted A Flurry Of Legal And Legislative Action' SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The publication of these regulations does not represent an end, but a beginning. It's the beginning of a new front to defend hardworking Middle Class Americans from massive regulations that target them. That front is opening here in Congress, and it's opening across the country as states file lawsuits and Governors stand up for their own Middle Class constituent… Continue Reading


Obama’s Regulatory Blitz: ‘Death By A Thousand Cuts’

51 Regulations Are Promulgated By Bureaucrats For Every Law Passed SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): 'The costs of these regulations are real' "In the final 15 months of the Obama administration, Washington bureaucrats are working overtime, to finalize new rules on everything from prairie puddles to power plants. … In this administration's race to control more of what Americans do every day, it has lost all perspective. The rules are based on ideology, rather than practicality. The result is… Continue Reading


EPA Ozone Rule: ‘Costliest Regulation In History’

'Unattainable' EPA Rule Would Have 'Huge Economic Impact,' 'Could Cost The Equivalent of 1.4 Million Jobs Annually' EPA's 'Environmental Justice' Will 'Jeopardize A Resurgence In American Manufacturing' "In August 2011, as President Obama prepared to unveil a major new environmental regulation on smog, his political advisers issued a warning: The rule would affect power plants and factories throughout the Midwest, slowing the economy in states like Ohio that would be crucial to the presi… Continue Reading


Tilting At Climate Windmills

U.S. Workers Pay For President's Anti-Energy Efforts, While Foreign Nations Scoff PRESIDENT OBAMA'S CLIMATE CRUSADE: 224,000 Jobs 'Eliminated,' 'Electricity Bills Up,' '$50 Billion In Annual Costs' "The heart of the U.S. commitment consists of proposed EPA power plant regulations that industry groups and congressional Republicans are already trying to undercut, both by pursuing court challenges and by urging states not to comply." ("Obama Pledges Greenhouse Gas Emissions Cuts," Politico, 3… Continue Reading


The War On Coal: Electricity Rates Will Necessarily Skyrocket

'The Main Target: Coal,' Coal Families, & 'Your Power Bill' 'The Rule Would Drive Electricity Bills Up' "LOSERS: - YOUR POWER BILL … The National Association of Manufacturers, the American Coalition for Clean Coal Electricity, the National Mining Association, the American Energy Alliance and the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association all predicted the rule would drive electricity bills up." ("Who Wins And Loses Under Obama's Stricter Power Plant Limits," AP, 8/3/15) "… Continue Reading


Obama’s Water War: ‘An Unprecedented Power Grab’

Bipartisan Opposition To EPA Overreach Grows, As Allegations Surface That EPA Astroturf Effort Might Have Broken The Law 'A Nightmare' - Obama Administration Attempts To Seize Control Of 60% Of U.S. Bodies of Water "Barack Obama's water war… a massive power grab by Washington." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Politico, 5/27/15) "…it will give bureaucrats carte blanche to swoop in and penalize landowners every time a cow walks through a ditch." ("Barack Obama's Water War," Pol… Continue Reading


The Constitution Isn’t Kindling

Will Democrats Continue To Aid Obama's War On Coal Families? Today, Dems Have An Opportunity To Help Rein In The EPA's 'Constitutionally Reckless' War On Coal Families McConnell / Paul Amendment 'prohibition on withholding highway funds from States that refuse to submit State Implementation Plans' to the EPA: "To establish a deficit-neutral reserve fund relating to the regulation by the Environmental Protection Agency of greenhouse gas emissions, which may include a prohibition on withholdi… Continue Reading

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