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Democrats Expect Military To Counter Iran With Hands Tied

Democrats' Use Of A War Powers Resolution Would Impede Our Armed Forces' Ability To Take Out Terror Leaders Like Soleimani And Limit Military Options Democrats Once Agreed Were Essential SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Taking out Qassem Soleimani] was not some reckless act. It was a calculated and limited response to a significant, growing threat of attack against U.S. personnel in Iraq by an emboldened adversary. Years ago, Soleimani had concluded America was a paper tiger… Continue Reading


Senate Accomplishments In The 116th Congress So Far

Accomplishments Of The 116th Senate Include: HISTORIC TRANSFORMATION OF THE COURTS: Confirmed 20 of President Trump's circuit court nominees and 80 of his district court nominees for a total of 50 and 133 since 2017, respectively. "[T]he Senate has confirmed 102 judges for the year … It's the second-highest confirmation total in a single year in American history." FISCAL YEAR 2020 DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION: Passed the bipartisan annual defense policy bill providing for $750 billi… Continue Reading


National Security Takes A Backseat To Democrats’ Partisan Political Priorities

Funding For American Armed Forces And The Annual Defense Authorization Bill Are Mired In Disputes Over Democrats' Partisan Demands SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Nearly every day I've come to the floor to talk about the key pieces of legislation that we'll only be able to complete with bipartisan cooperation. Really essential things - like funding for the entirety of our federal government, including for our men and women in uniform. The money for the tools and the training … Continue Reading


Democrats Prioritize Politics Over Security

'[E]very Hour Seemingly Brings More Evidence Of Our Troubled World,' But Democrats In Congress Are Still Stalling Critical Defense Authorization And Appropriations Bills SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[E]very hour seemingly brings more evidence of our troubled world. But, just as with the trade agreements, critical legislation in this area is currently frozen in place. Another casualty of Democrats' apparent inability to make headway on anything besides fighting with the Whi… Continue Reading


Missed Opportunities

While Democrats Obsess Over Impeachment, Critical Congressional Business To Boost Our Economy And Support Our Troops Is Falling By The Wayside "The latest political brawl in Washington leaves a pile of policy priorities among the feared casualties … With the Democratic-led House moving forward with an impeachment inquiry into President Trump, members of both parties worry that the goals Congress set for itself this fall may slip even further out of reach …" ("Impeachment Tensio… Continue Reading


Democrats Vow To Block Assistance For Ukraine And A Significant Pay Raise For U.S. Troops

Senate Democrats Profess To Support Funding For Our Military And Our International Partners Like Ukraine Yet They Say They'll Block That Funding For A Second Time SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Tomorrow the Senate will vote on funding for the national defense. It will offer a test for our Democratic colleagues: Will their party's impeachment obsession crowd out even the most basic governing responsibilities? And unfortunately, it seems we may already have our answer. The Dem… Continue Reading


Democrats Block Defense Funding They Previously Agreed To

'Our Men And Women In Uniform Do Not Deserve To Have The Funding For Their Tools, Their Training, And Their Own Pay Raises Used As Leverage By Senate Democrats' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The stakes are high. We're talking about critical resources for the missions of the Department of Defense. Our military commanders have told us this funding is vital to keeping pace with Putin's Russia, China, and all their efforts to harm American interests. Just days ago, Saudi Arabia… Continue Reading


With Global Tensions Elevated, Timely Defense Funding Is Essential

America's Adversaries Will Not Wait While Democrats Play Politics With The Defense Appropriations Bill SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In the face of surging great-power adversaries, simple upkeep is not enough to keep America and our allies safe from aggression. Comprehensive funding for research, development, and readiness programs is what's needed. In Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, Yemen, and beyond we continue to face sustained threats from terrorist organizations. And in t… Continue Reading


Senate Accomplishments In The 116th Congress

Accomplishments Of The 116th Senate Include: TRANSFORMING THE COURTS: Confirmed 13 of President Trump's circuit court nominees and 46 of his district court nominees for a total of 43 and 99 since 2017, respectively. BUDGET AGREEMENT: Passed a bipartisan deal setting government funding levels for the next two years that secures funding increases to support our troops, rebuild and modernize our military, and support the VA Mission Act to provide timely access and care for our nation's v… Continue Reading


‘It’s The Right Thing To Do’

The Bipartisan Budget Agreement Will Provide Stability And Predictability For Our Military, 'Ensure Veterans Have Timely Access' To Care And Benefits And 'Eliminates The Economic Risk' Surrounding The Debt Ceiling SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[T]his is a deal that every one of my colleagues should support when we vote on it in the near future. This government funding agreement is the right deal for our national defense. It's the right deal because it ensures the United States… Continue Reading


‘A Victory For Our National Security’

The Budget Deal Is 'A Victory For Our Military,' Bans Far-Left Poison Pills, And Defends Against Abortion Extremism The Budget Deal Is 'A Victory For Our National Security,' 'A Victory For Our Military,' 'A Victory For Our Veterans,' And 'A Victory For American Families' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Considering the circumstances of divided government, this is a good deal. … It's a good deal because it achieves the number-one goal on the Republican side of the aisle:… Continue Reading


ICYMI: Highlights Of Administration-Pelosi Bipartisan Budget Deal

Washington Post: "Trump announces support for two-year bipartisan budget deal…" "Trump lauds deal with no 'poison pills'" "Also as part of the deal, Democratic leaders agreed not to include controversial policy changes, known as 'riders,' in future spending bills. Those measures, which can be tied to hot-button issues such as abortion and immigration, can imperil spending legislation. Opponents of these measures often call them "poison pills." "There will be no poison pills, additional… Continue Reading


Our National Security Depends On Our Military Being Fully Funded

Former Secretary Of Defense James Mattis On Sequestration: 'In The Long Term, It Is The Budget Caps … That Impose The Greater Threat To The Department And To National Security' Former Secretaries Of Defense: 'Without Relief From The BCA Caps, Our Air, Land, And Sea Fleets Will Continue To Erode', A 'Real Danger That It Would Hollow Out The Force,' 'Irresponsible' And 'Outrageous' JAMES MATTIS, Former Secretary of Defense: "In the long term, it is the budget caps mandated in the Bud… Continue Reading


Mark Esper Is ‘A Soldier, A Scholar,’ And ‘An All-American Public Servant’

Secretary Mark Esper Has Garnered Bipartisan Praise As 'A Very Solid Nomination,' 'Superbly Well Qualified By Experience And Temperament For The Position' Of Secretary Of Defense Who Demonstrates 'Excellent Judgement,' 'Sound Character And Moral Courage' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Acting Secretary Esper is an impressive leader with a distinguished record in uniform, on Capitol Hill, in the private sector, and as a senior leader at the Pentagon. I'm glad President Trump h… Continue Reading


‘Arguably The Most Important Piece Of Legislation That Congress Considers Every Year’

This Year's Defense Authorization Provides $750 Billion For National Defense, Including Pay Raises For Our Military, Upgraded Equipment And Capabilities, And The Resources To Strengthen Our Alliances And Confront 'Threats From Great Power Competitors And Rogue Regimes' The Senate passed the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act by an overwhelming bipartisan 86-8 vote. (S. 1790, Roll Call Vote #188: Passed 86-8, 6/27/2019) 'Ensures The United States Military Will Sustain Its Pl… Continue Reading


‘A Serious Threat To Our Nation’

National Security Experts Warn, 'The Fight Is Not Over Against ISIS' And 'A Hasty American Withdrawal' From Afghanistan Could Result In Chaos And A 'Safe Haven For International Terrorists' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "My amendment would acknowledge the plain fact that al Qaeda, ISIS, and their affiliates in Syria and Afghanistan continue to pose a serious threat to our nation. It would recognize the danger of a precipitous withdrawal from either conflict, and highlight th… Continue Reading


A Long List Of Accomplishments

'[T]he Coast Guard Legislation Was Just The Very Latest Installment In A Long List Of Bipartisan Successes Passed By This Senate' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[This week], we passed legislation to reauthorize the Coast Guard by an overwhelming bipartisan majority. The Senate took action to reaffirm the critical security, interdiction, and rescue missions that keep Americans safe, and to streamline duplicative regulations at the same time. The provision to clarify the regul… Continue Reading


List Of Accomplishments Keeps Growing

Water Infrastructure, FAA Reauthorization, And Landmark Opioids Bill Are Latest Additions To The Accomplishments Of The 115th Congress SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Earlier this year, the president challenged us to seriously address our nation's crumbling infrastructure. In Congress, we've wasted no time on working to tackle this challenge in a bipartisan way. Here are just a few highlights. The funding bill for fiscal year 2018 included a $21 billion increase in infrastruc… Continue Reading


A Productive August

Senate Remained 'In Session This Month To Continue Working On Behalf Of The American People' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "August is usually a time for Senators to spend more time in our home states, meeting with our constituents and reporting on the progress we've made in Washington. But this August had to be different. There was too much business left unfinished. So I made the decision to keep the Senate in session this month to continue working on behalf of the American… Continue Reading


Another Productive Week In The Senate

The Senate Sent The Defense Authorization Bill To The President, Passed 4 Appropriations Bills, Went To Conference On The Farm Bill, Confirmed The 24th Circuit Court Judge And 6 More District Court Judges Defense Authorization Bill 'Aimed At Building Up The Military' Completed SEN. JOHN McCAIN (R-AZ), Armed Services Committee Chairman: "I'm deeply proud that the Senate voted overwhelmingly today to pass the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019…. Through the NDAA,… Continue Reading

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