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‘A New Milestone’ In Reshaping The Courts

'With McConnell's Help, Trump Is Making His Mark' On The Federal Judiciary: In 2017 Only Four Of The Thirteen Federal Appellate Courts Had A Majority Of Republican-Appointed Judges, And Now Seven Do After Flipping The 2nd, 3rd, And 11th Circuits, A Majority Of The Federal Appellate Courts Now Have More Republican-Appointed Judges Than Democrat-Appointed Judges "When Trump took office, only four of the 13 [federal appellate courts] had more Republican-appointed judges than Democratic selecti… Continue Reading


One In Four

One Of Every Four Circuit Judges In The Country Has Been Nominated By President Trump And Confirmed By The Republican Senate As of this afternoon, one in every four judges on the federal courts of appeals will have been nominated by @POTUS Trump and confirmed by us here in the Senate. - Leader McConnell (@senatemajldr) November 7, 2019 SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "This president and this Senate have prioritized confirming impressive … Continue Reading



Since 2017, The Senate Has Confirmed 152 Article III Judges, A 'Judicial Renaissance' Of 'Dozens Of Constitutionalist Judges [Who] Will Influence The Direction Of The Law For A Generation' "The U.S. Senate confirmed President Trump's 150th judicial nominee Wednesday, helping to fulfill the president's campaign promise to remake the federal bench … Six district court nominees won confirmation Wednesday, bringing the president's total number of appointed judges to the lower federal cour… Continue Reading


‘Kelly Craft Is Going To Be A Great Ambassador To The United Nations’

As Ambassador To Canada, Kelly Craft Has Earned High Praise As 'Well Respected And A Consummate Diplomat' Giving Confidence That 'She Is Going To Do A Great Job At The U.N.' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[Last night, the Senate] also voted to advance the nomination of Ambassador Kelly Craft, a very impressive individual, to serve in the critical role of UN ambassador. Ms. Craft is a fellow product of the Bluegrass. She has already made Kentucky and the nation proud through … Continue Reading


Mark Esper Is ‘A Soldier, A Scholar,’ And ‘An All-American Public Servant’

Secretary Mark Esper Has Garnered Bipartisan Praise As 'A Very Solid Nomination,' 'Superbly Well Qualified By Experience And Temperament For The Position' Of Secretary Of Defense Who Demonstrates 'Excellent Judgement,' 'Sound Character And Moral Courage' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Acting Secretary Esper is an impressive leader with a distinguished record in uniform, on Capitol Hill, in the private sector, and as a senior leader at the Pentagon. I'm glad President Trump h… Continue Reading


New Judges ‘Making An Important Difference For The Country’

The Senate Has Now Confirmed More Nominees To The 9th Circuit Than Any Other Appellate Court, 'Altering The Historically Liberal Bench' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "All week, the Senate has continued our productivity in overcoming partisan opposition and confirming the president's well-qualified nominees for important offices. We've confirmed the newest judge on the Ninth Circuit. And yesterday we confirmed three district judges by overwhelming bipartisan margins: 78 to 15&he… Continue Reading


‘Kelly Craft Was An Integral Part Of The Negotiation Of The USMCA’

Canadian Officials Recognize Ambassador Craft 'Played An Instrumental Role In The Renegotiation Of NAFTA' And Business Leaders Valued Her 'Insights And Guidance' On U.S.-Canadian Trade BRIAN MULRONEY, FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA: "Ambassador Kelly Craft did outstanding work in Canada. She was highly regarded by all and played an important role in the successful negotiation of the USMCA. I have no doubt that she will be a highly impressive representative of the USA at the United Nations."… Continue Reading


Ambassador Kelly Craft: ‘She Really Proved Herself’

President Clinton's Former U.S. Ambassador To Canada Says 'We Know Kelly Can Represent Our Country Well Because We Have Watched Her Do It' Current And Former Canadian Officials: 'Ambassador Kelly Craft Did Outstanding Work In Canada,' 'She Really Proved Herself Over Some Tough Times' BRIAN MULRONEY, FORMER PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA: "Ambassador Kelly Craft did outstanding work in Canada. She was highly regarded by all and played an important role in the successful negotiation of the USMCA… Continue Reading


Twice As Many Confirmations In Half The Time

A Clear Necessity: Since The Rules Change Last Month, The Senate Has Confirmed 45 Nominees In 21 Days, While Before It Took 48 Days To Confirm 23 Nominees SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "After two years of systematic heel-dragging from our friends across the aisle, even on the least controversial nominations, the modest reform the Senate adopted last month is helping us get back on track…. [Previously, these nominees] would've tied up the floor for days before being co… Continue Reading



'Setting Our Court System In The Right Direction With Good, Solid Nominations' "The Senate confirmed its 40th circuit court judge on Wednesday, filling nearly a quarter of the circuit court system with conservative appointments under President Trump." (The New York Times, 5/15/2019) "[Kenneth] Lee is the latest in a series of young conservative jurists and administration appointees who have sailed through the Senate …" (The New York Times, 5/15/2019) "Many of the president's c… Continue Reading


Meet Jeffrey Kessler

Though He Is Eminently Qualified And Uncontroversial, Democrats Have Delayed Jeffrey Kessler's Confirmation And Still Forced A Cloture Vote SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Just look at the nomination currently before us. A textbook case study on the shameful state of the current process. Jeffrey Kessler of Virginia was first nominated to serve as Assistant Secretary of Commerce in November of 2017…. Nobody opposed him on the Finance Committee…. And yet, here on the… Continue Reading



Under This Administration, Senate Democrats Have Forced Cloture Votes For The First Time Ever On 42 Different Executive Branch Positions SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[This] is comprehensive, across-the-board heel-dragging like nothing this body has seen before…. In other words, systematic obstruction. Not targeted, thoughtful opposition to a few marquee nominations or rare circumstances. But a grinding, across-the-board effort to delay and obstruct the people this … Continue Reading


Obstruction For Obstruction’s Sake

Over The Last Two Years, Democrats Have Slow-Walked Scores Of Uncontroversial Nominees And Forced Needless Cloture Votes 'To Eat Up Floor Time' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The real crisis here is the administration itself below the Cabinet level has an enormous number of vacancies…. Once we get to cloture on a number of these nominees they aren't even controversial. So it's pretty obvious the whole purpose is just to eat up floor time." (Politico, 2/13/2019) SEN. … Continue Reading


‘Confirm William Barr’

Editorial Boards: 'The U.S. Senate Should Swiftly Approve William Barr,' 'The Sooner He's On The Job, The Better' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "In William Barr, President Trump has nominated a tried-and-true public servant and a proven professional to lead the men and women of the Department of Justice. Testifying before the Committee last month, Mr. Barr expressed his unwavering commitment to 'the rule of law, the Constitution, and the American people.' But my colleagues d… Continue Reading


Neomi Rao: ‘Uniquely Qualified For The D.C. Circuit’

Neomi Rao Is 'A Prolific Scholar' And Well-Known 'Expert On Administrative Law' Whose Former Colleagues Say She Would 'Serve On The Federal Bench With The Very Highest Distinction' The American Bar Association Rates Rao As 'Well Qualified' "The American Bar Association's Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary has completed its evaluation of the professional qualifications of Neomi J. Rao, whom the President has nominated to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Colum… Continue Reading


‘No One Can Say He Isn’t Qualified’

'The Senate Should Quickly Confirm Him' SEN. DIANNE FEINSTEIN (D-CA), Judiciary Committee Ranking Member: "He's obviously very smart. He was Attorney General before. No one can say he isn't qualified…. I was thinking last night, obviously Mr. Barr is qualified. He is bright. His is capable." (U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, 1/16/2019) SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Judiciary Committee Chairman: "I think he has a reassuring presence, I think you saw today a guy who's comfortable… Continue Reading


‘Unwavering Commitment To The Rule Of Law’

William Barr Is 'Highly Respected And Admired' By Justice Department Alumni, Carries A 'Reputation For Integrity And High Ethical Standards' And Is 'Uniquely Qualified' To Be Attorney General Again Former AGs, DAGs, US Attorneys, And Justice Department Employees: Barr 'Remains Highly Respected And Admired By The Career Prosecutors, Investigators And Staff Of The Department He Oversaw' "We former officials and employees of various administrations and the Manhattan District Attorney's Offic… Continue Reading


There’s No There There

William Barr: 'Having Appointed And Supervised Three Special Counsels Myself While Attorney General … It Is Vitally Important That The Special Counsel Be Permitted To Finish His Work' WILLIAM BARR: "[My] memorandum did not address -or in any way question-the Special Counsel's core investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Indeed, I have known Bob Mueller personally and professionally for 30 years, and I have the utmost respect for him and the important work he is d… Continue Reading


William Barr’s ‘Impeccable Reputation’

Barr 'Is A Known Quantity, A Man Of The Highest Integrity And Character' Who Has Served At The Highest Levels Of The Justice Department SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC), Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman: "Having previously served as Attorney General under President George H.W. Bush, Mr. Barr is a known quantity, a man of the highest integrity and character, and has an impeccable reputation. He will provide a strong and steady hand to the fine men and women at the Department of Justice." (Sen. … Continue Reading


‘Commitment To The Public Interest, Above All Else’

Senate Democrats Praised William Barr As 'An Independent Voice' And Confirmed Him To High-Level Justice Department Positions 3 Different Times Biden And Leahy: Barr Has A 'Commitment To The Public Interest, Above All Else' And Would Be 'An Independent Voice For All Americans' "[Sen. Pat] Leahy [D-VT] said he believes that Barr, as attorney general, will be 'an independent voice for all Americans -- not just the President.'" ("Judiciary Panel Approves Barr For Attorney General," Los Angele… Continue Reading

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