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Americans Continue Paying The High Price Of ‘Bidenomics’

'Bidenomics In Action' Is The High Prices American Families Confront At The Grocery Store, The Gas Station, Restaurants, The Barbershop, For School Supplies, And On Their Utility Bills PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: "That's Bidenomics in action." (Jesse Lee, @JesseLee46, Twitter, 7/12/2023) The Cumulative Effect Of Inflation Since President Biden Took Office Has Americans Paying Significantly Higher Prices For Food, Energy, Transportation, Housing, And More Since President Biden took office, in… Continue Reading


The Painful Reality Of ‘Bidenomics’

President Biden's Economic Policies Have Left Americans Financially Worse Off Thanks To Decades-High Inflation Coupled With High Energy Prices While Polling Consistently Shows Citizens Are Not Buying The White House's Political Spin "With a series of announcements and a campaign-style swing that is set to run past the 4th of July, President Biden is launching a new effort to sell his economic record to a country that remains wary…. The president will headline multiple events himself wi… Continue Reading


Biden’s Inflation Remains Painfully High As Senate Democrats Rubberstamp The Man Who Got It Disastrously Wrong

Jared Bernstein's Policies Have Led To 26 Straight Months Of High Inflation Yet Senate Democrats Are Preparing To Promote Him SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Since President Biden took office, consumer prices have risen more than 16 percent. American families are paying 20 percent more to put food on the table than they did in January 2021. And 36 percent more on energy. But over more than two years of Washington Democrats' runaway inflation, President Biden's top advisors … Continue Reading


The Effects Of Two Years Of Biden’s Persistently High Inflation Are Weighing Down Americans

April's Inflation Report Showed Prices Rising Again, 'Far Above The Federal Reserve's 2% Target Rate,' As They Have Been For Two Straight Years, Leaving American Families Paying Ever More For Their Houses, Their Food, And Their Energy, While They Continue To Express Their Displeasure With Economic Conditions And Lack Of Confidence In President Biden 'Consumer Prices In The United States Rose Again In April, And Measures Of Underlying Inflation Stayed High' "Consumer prices in the United S… Continue Reading


Julie Su Is A Partisan Union Activist Whose Policies Will Hurt Independent Contractors And Small Businesses

President Biden Has Nominated Julie Su To Be The New Secretary Of Labor But Her Track Record In California Of Mismanagement And Support For Disastrous Big Labor-Driven Policies Shows She Should Not Be Promoted By The Senate SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA), Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee Ranking Member: "Deputy Secretary Su has a troubling record and is currently overseeing the Department of Labor's development of anti-worker regulations that dismantle the gig economy. This … Continue Reading


Biden’s Far-Left Economist, Jared Bernstein, Was Disastrously Wrong On Inflation And Shouldn’t Get A Promotion

In A Rush To Implement Left-Wing Priorities, Jared Bernstein Dismissed Inflation Risks, Called Inflation 'Transitory,' And Does Not Think Biden Should Change Course On Economic Policies, All While Advocating For A Far-Left Wishlist Featuring Higher Gas Prices, Higher Taxes, More IRS Agents, And More Abortions "President Joe Biden's next pick to lead the Council of Economic Advisers is bracing for a barrage of political attacks centered on how the White House has tackled inflation. Jared Bern… Continue Reading


Two Years Of Joe Biden’s Inflation Leaves Americans With ‘Shrinking Savings And Rising Debt’

March Marked Almost Two Full Years Of Year-Over-Year Inflation Rising 5% Or More, With Overall Prices Increasing 15% Since President Biden Took Office, Resulting In American Families Struggling To Keep Up With Rising Costs And Most Feeling Stressed About Their Financial Situation And Pessimistic About The U.S. Economy Year-Over-Year Inflation Has Been At Least 5% For Nearly Two Full Years Of Joe Biden's Presidency March marked the TWENTY-THIRD consecutive month in which inflation rose at … Continue Reading


With High Inflation Sapping Americans’ Finances Every Day, Biden Wants To Raise Their Taxes Too

February Marked The 22nd Month In A Row With Year-Over-Year Inflation Hitting Or Exceeding 5%, And As Families Continue To Struggle With Higher Prices For Their Houses, Groceries, Energy, Cars, And Clothes, President Biden Has Proposed Piling $5 Trillion More In Taxes On Americans SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): "President Biden's reckless spending and far-left priorities have created an inflation disaster. Americans are dipping into their savings just to pay for gas and groceries. Yet, Presiden… Continue Reading


Biden’s Irresponsible Budget Triples Down On Tax Hikes, Government Spending, And Debt

Following Two Years Of Out-Of-Control Democrat Spending, Tax Hikes, And Massive Deficits, President Biden Has Submitted A Budget Calling For Even More Taxing, Spending, And Red Ink That Would Balloon The Federal Government While Still Managing To Shortchange Defense And Border Security JOE BIDEN: "My dad used to have an expression: 'Don't tell me what you value. Show me your budget, and I'll tell you what you value.'" (Joe Biden, Remarks, 9/15/2008) Senate Republicans: President Biden's … Continue Reading


Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue, Joe Biden’s Inflation Is Still Hurting You, Too

Contradicting The Biden Administration's Rosy Spin, Inflation Increased Month-Over-Month Again In January, While The Cumulative Effects Of Nearly Two Straight Years Of High Inflation Force American Families And Businesses Pay More For Nearly Everything, Including Valentine's Gifts 'Inflation Turned Higher To Start 2023, As Rising Shelter, Gas And Fuel Prices Took Their Toll On Consumers' "Inflation turned higher to start 2023, as rising shelter, gas and fuel prices took their toll on consum… Continue Reading


American Families’ Finances Are Approaching The Breaking Point Under The Cumulative Weight Of Months Of Painful Inflation In Biden’s Economy

Most Americans Continue To Disapprove Of President Biden's Handling Of The Economy And Over 40% Say They Are Worse Off Today Than When Biden Took Office "[A] growing number of Americans say their own financial circumstances are worsening on Biden's watch. Roughly 4 in 10 Americans (41 percent) say they are not as well-off financially since Biden became president, up from 35 percent one year ago and the highest percentage to report such a sentiment under any president in Post-ABC polls since mea… Continue Reading


America Deserves Better Than The Last Two Years Of Failed Biden Policies

President Biden's Failed Policies Have Left Americans Struggling With The Worst Inflation In Four Decades, Paying Sky-High Grocery And Energy Prices, Bracing For Higher Taxes And More IRS Audits, While Chaos Consumes The Southern Border And Afghanistan American Families' Finances Are Approaching The Breaking Point Under The Cumulative Weight Of Months Of Painful Inflation In Biden's Economy "[A] growing number of Americans say their own financial circumstances are worsening on Biden's watch… Continue Reading


Americans’ Painful Economic Reality Is A Far Cry From Joe Biden’s Out-Of-Touch Spin

While President Biden Claims That His Economic Policies Are Working, Americans Still Struggling With High Inflation Are Pulling Back On Spending And Falling Into Debt President Biden Keeps Boasting That 'The Biden Economic Plan … Is Actually Working' And 'Families Are Breathing Just A Little Bit Easier' PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: "I don't think it's unfair to say that this is all evidence that the Biden economic plan … is actually working. It's working." ("Remarks by President Bid… Continue Reading


Inflation Remains ‘Well Above Normal Levels’ Because Of Biden’s Economic Policies

Since Joe Biden Took Office, Prices Have Increased 13.5% And Monthly Year-Over-Year Inflation Remains Far Above What Is Normal, A Situation Economists Agree Was Made Worse By The Reckless Spending Sprees Passed By Biden And Democrats December marked the TWENTIETH consecutive month in which inflation rose at least 5 percent year-over-year. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/12/2023) Prior to 2021, year-over-year monthly inflation had not been as high as it was in December 2022 since 19… Continue Reading


Biden’s Policies Mean Christmas Comes At A Higher Cost For Americans Plagued By Nearly 2 Years Of High Inflation

November's Inflation Report Marks 12 Straight Months Of Year-Over-Year Inflation Of At Least 7%, Numbers That 'Are Way Too High For A Healthy Economy,' Resulting In 'Severe Financial Pressures For Most U.S. Households' And Higher Prices For Gifts, Food, And Decorations During The Holidays Inflation Has Remained Far Above Normal For Close To Two Years November marked the NINETEENTH consecutive month in which inflation rose at least 5 percent year-over-year. (Bureau of Labor Statistics, Acc… Continue Reading


Biden Vows To Change ‘Nothing’ As His Inflationary Economic Policies Squeeze Family Budgets

As Americans Suffer From An Eleventh Straight Month Of 7% Year-Over-Year Or Higher Inflation, A Nearly 14% Increase Since January 2021, Joe Biden Insists His 'Economic Plan Is Showing Results' And Vows He'll Change 'Nothing' About His Policies SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID), Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member: "This Administration's reckless spending has caused eleven consecutive months of inflation above 7%. Taxpayers are getting throttled by high grocery prices, high energy prices, and now hi… Continue Reading


The Biden White House Is Living In An Economic Fantasy

Between Insisting 'Our Economy Is Strong As Hell' In The Face Of The Worst Inflation In 40 Years And A Looming Recession, Boasting About Gas Prices As Energy Costs Continue To Soar, And Gaslighting About Whose Policies Fueled Inflation, Joe Biden's White House Is Completely Out Of Touch With Most Americans' Everyday Economic Reality Joe Biden And His White House Could Not Possibly Be More Out Of Touch On The Economy "Asked to explain, Biden … replied, 'Our economy is strong as… Continue Reading


American Families Find No Relief From Biden’s Persistent Inflation

The September Inflation Report Shows 'Prices Continue To Surge, A Sign That Persistent Cost Increases Are Becoming Entrenched,' 'Intensifying Pressure On Households, Wiping Out Pay Gains,' And 'Causing Hardships For Many And Deepening Pessimism About The Economy' SEN. MIKE CRAPO (R-ID), Senate Finance Committee Ranking Member: "At 8.2 percent, inflation continues to hammer American families and eat away at their paychecks. Consumer price inflation has been above eight percent for seven conse… Continue Reading


President Biden Is Breathtakingly Out Of Touch

In His Recent '60 Minutes' Interview, President Biden Made Claims About The Economy That Are Deeply Out Of Touch With The Experiences Of American Families Struggling To Pay For Groceries And Power In The Midst Of Massive Price Increases SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[L]ast night, on '60 Minutes,' President Biden gave an almost comically out-of-touch interview on the inflation crisis. The President argued - with a straight face - that the American people ought to be gratef… Continue Reading


As Families Struggle, Out-Of-Touch Democrats Celebrate Doing Nothing About The Inflation Their Policies Caused

As Democrats Gather At The White House To Again Celebrate Imposing Their Reckless Taxing And Spending Spree On The Country, The Latest Inflation Report Shows American Families Are Still Suffering From Soaring Cost Increases For Their Homes, Their Food, Their Energy, And Their Medical Care SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Just a few minutes ago, yet again, the American people received a monthly inflation report that was even worse than the expert predictions. The expectation … Continue Reading

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