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ISIL Threat Isn’t 'Contained'

'More Than 1,200 People Outside Of Iraq And Syria Have Been Killed In Attacks Inspired Or Coordinated By The Islamic State' PRESIDENT OBAMA: 'We have contained them' GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC News: "ISIS is gaining strength, aren't they?" PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Well, I don't think they're gaining strength. What is true is that from the start our goal has been first to contain -- and we have contained them." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 11/12/2015) SEN. ROY BLUNT (R-MO): "Our military leaders… Continue Reading


CIA Director: ‘ISIL Remains A Formidable Adversary’

Warns That Islamic State 'Will Intensify Its Global Terror Campaign To Maintain Its Dominance Of The Global Terrorism Agenda' GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC News: "ISIS is gaining strength, aren't they?" PRESIDENT OBAMA: "Well, I don't think they're gaining strength. What is true is that from the start our goal has been first to contain -- and we have contained them." (ABC's "Good Morning America," 11/12/2015) 'Our Efforts Have Not Reduced [ISIL's] Terrorism Capability And Global Reach' CIA D… Continue Reading


President Obama: ‘They’re Not Coming Here’

On ISIL: 'We Have Contained Them' PRESIDENT OBAMA: 'They're not coming here' "…the president would say that he had failed to fully appreciate the fear many Americans were experiencing about the possibility of a Paris-style attack in the U.S. …he has never believed that terrorism poses a threat to America commensurate with the fear it generates. Even during the period in 2014 when ISIS was executing its American captives in Syria, his emotions were in check. Valerie Jarrett, Obama'… Continue Reading


‘We Must Adopt A Strategy Now’

Senate Republicans Demand A Plan To Defeat ISIL: 'What We Need Most Of All … Is Leadership … And A Strategy' FLASHBACK: Obama: "'They're Not Coming Here' . . . He Reassured Her" PRESIDENT OBAMA: "'They're not coming here' . . . he reassured her." "…[President Obama] has never believed that terrorism poses a threat to America commensurate with the fear it generates. Even during the period in 2014 when ISIS was executing its American captives in Syria, his emotions were … Continue Reading


Gitmo: ‘Obama Administration Rushing To … Release As Many Prisoners As Possible’

'There Have Been Americans That Have Died Because Of Gitmo Detainees' SEN. KELLY AYOTTE (R-NH): "[T]he administration continues to dangerously release terrorists from Guantanamo and unnecessarily put Americans at increased risk in order to fulfill a misguided campaign promise-all while refusing to level with the American people regarding the detainees' terrorist risks, activities, and affiliations." (Sen. Ayotte, Press Release, 4/18/2016) "Obama administration rushing to shrink ranks at Guanta… Continue Reading


‘Doubled’: Former Gitmo Prisoners ‘Suspected Of Rejoining Militants’

Obama Administration Bemoans: They're 'Not Supposed To Be Doing That' 'The Number Of Former Guantanamo Bay Prison Inmates Who Are Suspected Of Having Returned To Fighting For Militants Doubled' "The number of former Guantanamo Bay prison inmates who are suspected of having returned to fighting for militants doubled to 12 in the six months through January, the Obama administration said on Monday. . . According to figures released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI… Continue Reading


‘Last-Ditch Gitmo Plan Falls Flat’

'Plan Leaves Everyone Unhappy', 'Virtually No One Is Impressed' Lacking In Specifics, 'The Plan Was A Nonstarter' "Virtually no one is impressed with President Barack Obama's latest plan to close Guantanamo Bay" ("Obama's Gitmo Plan Leaves Everyone Unhappy," Politico, 2/23/16) "The administration struggled on Tuesday to explain why it had ignored Congress's demand for specifics . . ." ("Obama's Gitmo Plan Leaves Everyone Unhappy," Politico, 2/23/16) "President Obama's plan to shutte… Continue Reading


A Legacy of Global Instability

PRES. OBAMA: "[W]e cannot help but believe that the old hatreds shall someday pass; that the lines of tribe shall soon dissolve; that as the world grows smaller, our common humanity shall reveal itself; and that America must play its role in ushering in a new era of peace." ("President Barack Obama's Inaugural Address," 1/20/2009) FORMER PRES. JIMMY CARTER: "I can't think of many nations in the world where we have a better relationship now than when he took over." ("Jimmy Carter: Barack Obama's… Continue Reading


‘Mounting Anxiety’

'The Signs Of A Pres­id­ent In Deni­al Over The Threat Of Ter­ror­ism Keep Pil­ing Up' 'The President's Assurances Are Being Contradicted By Events Around Him' "The dis­con­nect between Pres­id­ent Obama and the Amer­ic­an pub­lic on the ur­gency of the IS­IS threat is a problem… The signs of a pres­id­ent in deni­al over the threat of ter­ror­ism keep pil­ing up." ("Democrats' Biggest Vulnerability I… Continue Reading


The President’s Former Advisors Weigh In

'Obviously There's A Lot Of Concern' Former Obama Admin Official: 'Change Your Strategy, Mr. President' LEON PANETTA, Former Secretary Of Defense: 'Obviously there's a lot of concern … resources applied to that mission, frankly, have not been sufficient' "Well, obviously there's a lot of concern about whether or not we've deployed the resources to be able to accomplish the mission that the President described. …I think that the resources applied to that mission, frankly, have not… Continue Reading


Vetoing American Security

As Global Crises Continue To Spread, President Obama's Threat To Veto The Bipartisan Defense Bill Remains Unchanged Q: "On the Hill yesterday, lawmakers reached a compromise on the annual defense authorization bill." … JOSH EARNEST, White House Press Secretary: "…if the President got this bill he'd veto." (White House Press Briefing, 9/30/15) "American presidents rarely veto national defense authorization bills, since they are, well, vital to national security. …Refu… Continue Reading


Will Obama ‘Make History, But Not In A Good Way’?

With Global Crises Spreading, President Obama Threatens To Veto Bipartisan Defense Bill "American presidents rarely veto national defense authorization bills, since they are, well, vital to national security. …Refusing to sign this bill would make history, but not in a good way. Mr. Obama should let it become law…" (Editorial, "Mr. Obama's Veto Threat," The Washington Post, 10/4/15) Q: "On the Hill yesterday, lawmakers reached a compromise on the annual defense authorization bi… Continue Reading


Despite ‘Complex Array Of Crises Around The World’ Dem Leader Asserts NDAA ‘A Waste Of Time’

Obama Threatens To Veto Unless IRS Receives More Funding Too SEN. JOHN MCCAIN (R-AZ): "It is simply incomprehensible that as America confronts the most diverse and complex array of crises around the world since the end of World War II, that a president would veto funding for our military to prove a political point." (Sen. McCain, "Obama Is Wrong To Hold Defense Funding Hostage," Politico, 6/8/15) SEN. JACK REED (D-RI): "…we currently face an alarming number of complex and varied nationa… Continue Reading

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