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The Senate Must Act Quickly To Reauthorize FISA Section 702

Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Is An Essential Tool For America’s Intelligence Community, Which Helps Protect Americans From Terrorist Groups Like Al Qaeda And ISIS, Malicious Actors Like Iran, And Authoritarian Adversaries Like Russia And China SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “Iran’s efforts to kill Americans, compromise our communications and data, and collect intelligence on U.S. soil are well-known. At this point, so are the hundreds of known or su… Continue Reading


Senators Should Support Sen. Sullivan’s Amendment In Wake Of Latest Iranian Attacks On U.S. Forces

LEADER McCONNELL: 'Tehran Wants To Push Us Out Of Iraq And Syria. Why Should Congress Make That Easier? While The Senate's Been Engaged In This Abstract, Theoretical Debate About Rolling Back American Power, Iran Has Continued Its Deadly Attacks On Us…. Some In America May Think Our War Against Terrorism Is Sunsetting, But Clearly The Terrorists Do Not Agree.' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I am opposed to Congress sunsetting any military force authorizations in the… Continue Reading


Congress Should Not Tie The Hands Of American Commanders In The Middle East

'The 2002 AUMF Is Important In Iraq Today Because It Provides Authorities For U.S. Forces There To Defend Themselves From A Variety Of Real, Exigent Threats. It's Arguably Even More Important In Syria … Do Supporters Of This Repeal Fully Understand The Ways It Might Limit Counterterrorism Missions?' SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[L]et's clear up some facts: The 2002 AUMF has been understood for years to apply to a variety of threats emanating from Iraq. Administrat… Continue Reading


America Deserves Better Than The Last Two Years Of Failed Biden Policies

President Biden's Failed Policies Have Left Americans Struggling With The Worst Inflation In Four Decades, Paying Sky-High Grocery And Energy Prices, Bracing For Higher Taxes And More IRS Audits, While Chaos Consumes The Southern Border And Afghanistan American Families' Finances Are Approaching The Breaking Point Under The Cumulative Weight Of Months Of Painful Inflation In Biden's Economy "[A] growing number of Americans say their own financial circumstances are worsening on Biden's watch… Continue Reading


President Biden’s First Year Of Failure

Since President Biden Was Sworn In A Year Ago, He's Presided Over The Worst Inflation In Four Decades And Record-Breaking Increases In Crime, Failed To Shut Down COVID Or Handle The Crisis At The Southern Border, And Ordered A Calamitous And Shameful Withdrawal From Afghanistan Seven Straight Months Of Inflation Exceeding 5% Is A Biden Administration Policy Failure, Costing American Families $3,500 For The Same Level Of Goods And Services Inflation In December Increased 7% Year-On-Year, '… Continue Reading


American Security Can’t Wait For Democrats’ NDAA Delays

Senate Democrats Still Haven't Brought The Annual National Defense Authorization Act To The Senate Floor While ISIS And Al Qaeda Gather Strength, China Threatens Taiwan And Works To Undermine American Military Capabilities, Iran Accelerates Its Nuclear Program, North Korea Advances Its Missile Capabilities, And Russia Threatens Ukraine And Europe SENATE REPUBLICAN LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Each year, the National Defense Authorization Act represents the Senate's most consequential opportu… Continue Reading


It’s Time To Reauthorize FISA

Threats To The United States And Our Interests From Terrorism And Foreign Espionage Have Not Taken A Break During The Pandemic, And The Senate Should Pass The Compromise FISA Extension Negotiated By The Attorney General And House Republicans SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[A]mid the pandemic, we cannot lose sight of the other threats we still face as well. The challenges that we faced before COVID-19 began to spread from Wuhan, China are still with us today, alongside this … Continue Reading


Democrats Prioritize Politics Over Security

'[E]very Hour Seemingly Brings More Evidence Of Our Troubled World,' But Democrats In Congress Are Still Stalling Critical Defense Authorization And Appropriations Bills SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[E]very hour seemingly brings more evidence of our troubled world. But, just as with the trade agreements, critical legislation in this area is currently frozen in place. Another casualty of Democrats' apparent inability to make headway on anything besides fighting with the Whi… Continue Reading


Missed Opportunities

While Democrats Obsess Over Impeachment, Critical Congressional Business To Boost Our Economy And Support Our Troops Is Falling By The Wayside "The latest political brawl in Washington leaves a pile of policy priorities among the feared casualties … With the Democratic-led House moving forward with an impeachment inquiry into President Trump, members of both parties worry that the goals Congress set for itself this fall may slip even further out of reach …" ("Impeachment Tensio… Continue Reading


Democrats Vow To Block Assistance For Ukraine And A Significant Pay Raise For U.S. Troops

Senate Democrats Profess To Support Funding For Our Military And Our International Partners Like Ukraine Yet They Say They'll Block That Funding For A Second Time SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "Tomorrow the Senate will vote on funding for the national defense. It will offer a test for our Democratic colleagues: Will their party's impeachment obsession crowd out even the most basic governing responsibilities? And unfortunately, it seems we may already have our answer. The Dem… Continue Reading


‘Arguably The Most Important Piece Of Legislation That Congress Considers Every Year’

This Year's Defense Authorization Provides $750 Billion For National Defense, Including Pay Raises For Our Military, Upgraded Equipment And Capabilities, And The Resources To Strengthen Our Alliances And Confront 'Threats From Great Power Competitors And Rogue Regimes' The Senate passed the Fiscal Year 2020 National Defense Authorization Act by an overwhelming bipartisan 86-8 vote. (S. 1790, Roll Call Vote #188: Passed 86-8, 6/27/2019) 'Ensures The United States Military Will Sustain Its Pl… Continue Reading


‘A Broad Consensus About American Leadership In The World’

Significant Bipartisan Vote Showcases Senate Support For Israel And Jordan And Sanctioning Syria, Highlights Foreign Policy Divisions Among Democrats SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "The Strengthening America's Security in the Middle East Act would renew our commitment to Israel's security, expand cooperation with Jordan, and impose new consequences on the perpetrators of Assad's brutality in Syria. But when America's national security and vital interests are at stake, some ci… Continue Reading


‘A Serious Threat To Our Nation’

National Security Experts Warn, 'The Fight Is Not Over Against ISIS' And 'A Hasty American Withdrawal' From Afghanistan Could Result In Chaos And A 'Safe Haven For International Terrorists' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "My amendment would acknowledge the plain fact that al Qaeda, ISIS, and their affiliates in Syria and Afghanistan continue to pose a serious threat to our nation. It would recognize the danger of a precipitous withdrawal from either conflict, and highlight th… Continue Reading


Will Democrats Start Voting For Bills They Support Now?

It's Time For Democrats To Resume Their Support For The Package Of Bipartisan Bills That Strengthens America's Allies In The Middle East SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "For weeks, now, Senate Democrats have effectively filibustered this legislation and blocked it from moving forward. At first, my colleague the Democratic Leader said his party was simply opposed to considering any other business during the partial government shutdown. But then, just a few days later, he actua… Continue Reading


Strengthening America’s Allies In The Middle East

'The Senate Is Moving Quickly To Assert Its Point-Of-View On U.S. Policy Regarding Syria And In The Broader Middle East' SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "[F]or years, America's vital interests in the Middle East have been jeopardized by regional chaos…. That's why the Senate is going to vote later today to take up pressing legislation that tackles all of this head-on. The bill at hand would reaffirm the United States' commitment to Israel's security and authorize militar… Continue Reading


‘Vote To Remove The Uncertainty That Is Hanging Over Our Armed Forces’

SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "…we have the opportunity to make real progress with an immediate step that every Senator in this chamber should support - passing a fiscal year 2018 defense appropriations bill. We can vote to remove the uncertainty that is hanging over our armed forces and secure the current year funding that our servicemembers deserve." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 2/6/2018) SEC. MATTIS: 'Our Troops Have Stoically Shouldered A Much Greater Burden' JAMES MATTIS, Secre… Continue Reading


‘The World Is More Dangerous’

'If It Didn't Send Chills Down Your Body Thinking About That, It Should' SEN. BARRASSO: 'The World … Has Become More Dangerous Over The Past 7 ½ Years' SEN. JOHN BARRASSO (R-WY): "Mr. President, people all around the country know that the world is a very dangerous place. It has become more dangerous over the past 7 ½ years, and even over the course of this summer. As a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, I come here again to the floor because I have seen one example… Continue Reading


Dems’ Troop Trifecta

For The Third Time This Year, And Despite The Democrat Leader's Call To End Filibusters, Senate Dems Will Vote To Block Funding For Our Military "One of the first items on the Senate's to-do list ... is a third try at prying loose the fiscal 2017 defense spending bill. A cloture vote on the defense appropriations bill is scheduled for next week…" ("Third Time's The Charm? Senate GOP Will Try Again To Move Defense Spending Bill Forward," Washington Examiner, 9/1/2016) "Senate Might Need … Continue Reading


Syria Five Years Later

Five Years After He Called For Bashar Al-Assad To Leave, President Obama's Strategy Is 'Stuck Where It Started' 2011: 'The Time Has Come For President Assad To Step Aside' PRESIDENT OBAMA: "The future of Syria must be determined by its people, but President Bashar al-Assad is standing in their way. For the sake of the Syrian people, the time has come for President Assad to step aside." ("Assad Must Go, Obama Says," The Washington Post, 8/18/2011) THEN-SEC. OF STATE HILLARY CLINTON: "The trans… Continue Reading



With The Security Situation In Afghanistan 'Precarious' & ISIL On The March, Dems Filibuster The Defense Funding Bill SEN. MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): "I would remind everyone that at a time when we face an array of terror threats around the globe, we cannot afford to put politics above support for our soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines or our efforts to move the appropriations process forward." (Sen. McConnell, Floor Remarks, 7/7/16) "Senate Democrats blocked a Defense Department spendin… Continue Reading

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