
‘Historic And Bipartisan’ Opioids Law Will ‘Save Lives’

President Trump Signed Into Law A Landmark Bill To Address The Opioids And Addiction Crisis In America


PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Today, we are here … to sign landmark legislation to defeat the opioid epidemic…. Over the last year, we have mobilized the entire federal government to address this crisis…. My administration has also launched an unprecedented effort to target drug dealers, traffickers, and smugglers. We are shutting down online networks, cracking down on international shipments, and going after foreign traffickers like never before…. Together, we will defeat this epidemic — it’s a true epidemic — as one people, one family, and one magnificent nation under God.” (“Remarks by President Trump on a Year of Historic Progress and Action to Combat the Opioid Crisis,” Washington, DC, 10/25/2018)

SENATE MAJORITY LEADER MITCH McCONNELL (R-KY): “The only way to solve this crisis is through coordinated efforts at the local, state and federal levels. As the Senate Majority Leader, I have made responding to addiction a national priority. That's why I prioritized the passage of a landmark bill with four aims: to reduce the abuse of opioids, to encourage recovery, to provide support to caregivers and families, and to drive innovation and long-term solutions. President Trump signed our law, the ‘SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act,’ that includes new programs designed to keep families safe.” (Sen. McConnell, Op-Ed, “Landmark Opioids Bill Can Save Lives,” Richmond [KY] Register, 10/25/2018)

KELLY CLARK, American Society of Addiction Medicine President: “This historic and bipartisan legislative package —  which includes key provisions to teach, standardize and cover addiction medicine — will help us strengthen America's addiction treatment infrastructure and save lives.” (“Louisville Doctors Praise The Passage Of 'Historic' Opioid Crisis Bill,” [Louisville] Courier-Journal, 10/24/2018)


The SUPPORT For Patients And Communities Act ‘Will Be Remembered As A Major Bipartisan Feat,’ ‘A Yearslong Effort By Both The Legislative And Executive Branch To Respond To The Growing Opioid Crisis’

“President Trump signed a sweeping opioids bill into law Wednesday, a rare piece of legislation that garnered bipartisan support. The bill addresses numerous aspects of the opioid crisis, including prevention, treatment and recovery. It knits together bills sponsored by hundreds of lawmakers …” (The Washington Post, 10/24/2018)

“Wednesday's bill signing marked a yearslong effort by both the legislative and executive branch to respond to the growing opioid crisis, which killed more than 48,000 Americans in 2017, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Moreover, it will be remembered as a major bipartisan feat at the end of another congressional term …” (“Trump Signs Sweeping Opioid Bill With Vow To End 'Scourge' Of Drug Addiction,” NBC News, 10/24/2018)

“Public health officials say the new law is an important first step toward fighting the opioid crisis …” (The Washington Post, 10/24/2018)

‘The Legislation Signed Wednesday Includes More Than 70 Law Changes Tackling A Wide Range Of Opioid-Related Issues’

“Public health experts have applauded the bill for increasing access to treatment, which they argue is a key step to curbing the epidemic.” (“Trump Signs Sweeping Opioid Bill With Vow To End 'Scourge' Of Drug Addiction,” NBC News, 10/24/2018)

“The legislation signed Wednesday includes more than 70 law changes tackling a wide range of opioid-related issues, including closing some legal loopholes that have allowed the drugs to proliferate and made it harder for those who are addicted to get treatment.” (“Louisville Doctors Praise The Passage Of 'Historic' Opioid Crisis Bill,” [Louisville] Courier-Journal, 10/24/2018)

  • “The law contains a measure sponsored by Sens. Rob Portman (R-Ohio) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) that will close a loophole that makes it easier for traffickers to send fentanyl, a synthetic opioid that is responsible for the sharp increase in overdose deaths, through the mail, primarily from China.” (The Washington Post, 10/24/2018)
  • “It will also have a large focus on treatment, creating a grant program for recovery centers that include housing and job training. It also increases access to medication-assisted treatment, in which a drug user takes an opioid medication under medical supervision and is ultimately weaned off drugs. It allows broader coverage for substance abuse treatment under Medicaid and Medicare.” (The Washington Post, 10/24/2018)



Related Issues: Opioid Abuse, Health Care