
Seema Verma Understands the Challenges Obamacare Has Created for Families

‘Now is the time for a CMS Administrator with the right experience as we repeal and replace Obamacare. I know this nominee will strengthen the vital programs she has been tasked to lead, because she has a history of doing just that. I look forward to confirming Ms. Verma later today so that she can get to work immediately developing solutions to the crisis of Obamacare.’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) made the following remarks on the Senate floor today regarding Senate confirmation of Seema Verma to head the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):

 “Last year, Bill Clinton called Obamacare the craziest thing in the world.  Over the weekend, former Obama Health Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said he had a point.  Well, of course Obamacare is crazy. 

“Premiums are spiking across the country — by 25% nationwide, and as much as 47% in Kentucky for individuals.  Choice has fallen from coast to coast — with about a third of counties nationwide, and nearly half in Kentucky, having only a single insurer to choose from on the exchanges.  And health-care markets are teetering closer to the edge of collapse.

“The Obamacare status quo is simply not an option.  We have an obligation to the American people to repeal and replace Obamacare.  We have a three-pronged process to get there.

“The first is the legislation House committees are currently considering — it’s a specialized piece of legislation that allows us to repeal Obamacare and implement some, but not all, of the important replacement reforms we want to make.

“Another is additional replacement reforms that can go even further in making health-care more affordable and accessible.

“The remaining prong is executive action — there is much the administration can do to help bring calm out of the chaos from Obamacare’s broken promises. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price has already taken steps to do so and the nominee before us — Seema Verma, who’s been nominated to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services — can take important steps too.

“Ms. Verma is extremely qualified with a health policy background and a record of success.  She is committed to protecting Medicare and modernizing Medicaid so the programs deliver the best results for those who need it.  She also understands the challenges that Obamacare has created for families.

“Remember, Obamacare raided funds from Medicare.  Remember, Obamacare dramatically enlarged Medicaid beyond its core focus without improving health outcomes in states like Kentucky.

“Now is the time for creative thinking to increase access and lower costs.  Now is the time for a CMS Administrator with the right experience as we repeal and replace Obamacare.  I know this nominee will strengthen the vital programs she has been tasked to lead, because she has a history of doing just that.  I look forward to confirming Ms. Verma later today so that she can get to work immediately developing solutions to the crisis of Obamacare.”

Related Issues: Obamacare, Health Care, Nominations